In the desert of the north wind, my son went to join the army in the distance. Although the official road is not far, the name of the poem should be heard. Cicada mourns the sunset and carves a cloud. It's hard to fall in love, but the former hills mingle with the former hills.
Tang Xutang is in Zhou Xia Road Middle School.
The vast desert is wide and far away from Liancheng. When the bunker met a bonfire, the river moved and the waves swirled. There are no cicadas, but there are soldiers. If you can't stand hunger and cold, who will come here?
Northern Dynasty Folk Song Author: Anonymous
Yinshan chilechuan,
The sky is like the sky, and the cage covers four fields.
The sky is gray and wild,
See cattle and sheep when the wind blows.
Modern poetry
Grassland Wen/Wang Weike
You rise and fall into a posture.
Green expression, delicate skin.
Meet the call of life and Tengger singer.
God's care and collection
The geography of vast expanse.
Let the free blood melt into the body.
A clean and unrestrained soul.
I am in a depressed city.
Feel and crave your self-esteem.
You are the most beautiful scenery in my heart.
How I wish one day.
Your limbs can move in all directions.
Spread out hard
Let the hope of life devour those
Negative effects of sandstorms.
A vast territory, a vigorous horse
The beauty of clear springs and wild flowers
Swaying reeds and flying swans
Fat sheep, simple herdsmen
Rich horse milk and delicious meat.
The original state continues here.
Pure hearts thrive here.
You are God's reward for kindness.
Sinful human beings poison you in ignorance.
You are a paradise in the eyes of the lost.
The cruel reality destroys you mercilessly.
Your fountain is dirty.
Your face is haggard and yellow.
Who foolishly buried your beauty?
You are in my eyes now.
Sad eyes can only watch.
Old imagination
Numb human beings have lost their conscience.
Humans who crave food.
Do you really hope that one day
Buried quietly by rolling yellow sand
What happened to you made me very sad.
Gao Shi in Zuotang, Jizhong
The horse trekked across the desert to the border. The border town is so depressed, and the sunshine is bleak and white. In the battle of the battlefield, the long-tailed fox was repeatedly harassed and sad. Without the security book, the generals are already in debt. It's just that if Wu has no place to put it to use, he has to go back to China alone.
Zaqu Gezicai Sangtang
Many wars have been fought since ancient times, and the origin is still soldiers. Driving thousands of miles, it's flat at one stroke. According to the sword from the desert, songs filled the capital. Send the message that the world will be a general, and you must make a name for yourself.