My favorite plant writes compositions in English.

My favorite plant writes compositions in English.

1. My favorite plant English composition today, DaddyLeadSmetobuytheFlowers to the flowers shop, I chose thretoplantlFlowers: Freshly, warmovingrecognition, Whatmostlikeisthatposturemyriadrose. In flowers, there are all kinds of colors: white, dreamy, yellow, gold and flesh. . Ihavechosenamostlovablepurple-repaint. When I got home, I went into the water tank. Ross has a straight hairstyle, a pair of socks and some balls. The green leaves at the bottom are olive-shaped, with serrated edges and serrated edges. This is a beautiful flower, just like a charming young girl. The beautiful face contains spring and is extremely beautiful. The next morning, I found therosealireadysplitopenthesiming face, aflowerssmallwineclass, flower petals little has a lively screw typesplitting, but there was no lookedattheinsistestamenandpistil. theroseemsbeautifulanderichcharm,Idrawclosetoitgently,inspireddeeply! Alight delicious fragrances meets the nostrils. This plant, whose ancestors were evergreen all the year round, has blossomed after being mixed with wild roses.

(English may be incorrect)

2. Write a 30-word composition about MyFavoritePlant in English.

myfavoriteplantisheluckybamboo . ihaveloditsincemomboughtmeone . it always greenandsytoplant . it alsobringsmemorefreshairandmakesmyroomloonknicer。

At first, I thought it would grow quickly. However, after this, ifound theleaves is still Samesize as when Igottheplant. Iaskedmygrandmawhy. She said, leukybambooneedsalotofsunshine.

imovedittomytablebythewindowsatonce . nowitsgrowinggerandstronger。

3. Write your favorite plants in English. I hope my answer is helpful to you. Tips on Plant Content Write an article about plant classification according to the following points: ① Plants are very important organisms; Without plants, life cannot be maintained.

Food for animals and humans comes from plants and other animals. Plants can use air, water and sunlight to make nutrients, but people and animals can't.

There are many kinds of plants, but they can be divided into two categories, namely flowering plants and non-flowering plants. ④ Flowering plants have roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits.

Most of the trees around us are flowering plants. Non-flowering plants are rare around us. They are conifers, mosses, Sprouts and so on.

Most plants grow not from seeds but from spores. Spores are very similar to seeds, and they will grow into new plants when they fall in wet and cool places.

The following text is for reference: 1. Coniferous; Coniferous; Lichen 3. Liver value. Algae of Agrimonia; Seaweed 5. Fungi 6. Spores constitute demonstration plants, plants and various important organisms. Lifecodnotgoonifherewerennoplants。 This is because plants can make food from air, water and sunlight. So is animalsandmancannotoso. animalsgetheirfoodbyatingplansandanimals. mangagethisfoodbyatingplansandanimals. Therefore, animalsandmannedplantsinordeterolive. If you carefully observe the plants around you, you will find many kinds of plants. Some plants are big, while others are small. Most plants are green. There are several common plants: flowering plants and non-flowering ring plants. Flower plants have roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits. Almost all trees have flowering plants. You may recognize some plants from their flowers or fruits. Non-flowering plants include woody plants, mosses, liverworts, algae and fungi. Most plants grow from seeds and spores, which are very small. Some people think they can float in the air. We can say wemaysaythatsporesarequisitesimilartofeeds. When these spores fall, they usually grow into new plants. Word explanation ① stem [stem] n; (tree) stem; (leaf) stem ② shady; Dark; Suspicious.

4. My favorite plant English composition, please hurry up. About 60 words ⊙⊙·b· Khan just sent my favorite flower by mistake.

Myfavouriteflowerislily。 I like white lily because it is very beautiful and pure. It grows very fast. It's a great toy. One day, after school. The lilies are in bloom. It looks like a fairy. I said excitedly, "Oh, white fairy, white fairy!" I can't dance. That night, my dream was beautiful. Can't you?

5. Write an English composition entitled "My Favorite Plant", with at least 30 words. On the second day of junior high school, daddyleadsmetobuytheflowers went to the flower shop, IectedthretoplantlFlowers: Freshly, warmovingcarnation, Whatmostlikeistethapturemyriadrose. In flowers, there are all kinds of colors: white, dreamy, yellow, gold and flesh.

Ihavechosenamostlovablepurple-repaint. When I got home, I went into the water tank. Ross has a straight hairstyle, a pair of socks and some balls. The green leaves at the bottom are olive-shaped, with serrated edges and serrated edges. This is a beautiful flower, just like a charming young girl. The beautiful face contains spring and is extremely beautiful. The next morning, I found therosealireadysplitopenthesiming face, aflowerssmallwineclass, flower petals little has likelyscrews split open, but there was no lookedattheinsistestamenandpistil. theroseemsbeautifulanderichcharm,Idrawclosetoitgently,inspireddeeply! Alight delicious fragrances meets the nostrils. This is a compositae plant. Its ancestor is an evergreen plant, which is mixed with wild roses to become the present roses. Although thoughtheroseisbringthethorn, but myequallikelilydyerdyandbeautifullypleasant, translated into today, my father asked me to buy a flower shop, and I chose three kinds of flowers: fresh and elegant lily, warm and moving carnations, and my favorite is roses with thousands of gestures.

There are many colors of roses in the flower shop: white like snow, red like fire, yellow like gold, pink like beautiful clouds … I chose the cutest rose from deep purple to red. When I got home, I plugged in their pitcher and sat at the table to observe the roses carefully.

Dried roses are straight, with gaps and thick, which are brought by a few small thorns. The green leaves of this bottle are China olive-shaped, soft and thin, with serrated edges and bifurcated arteries.

This is the wish of an open bud, in the bud stage, put it with charming young girls, smiling faces containing spring, beautiful poles. The next morning, I found Rose smiling. A small glass and petals may be separated by a screw, but I didn't look at the stamens and pistils inside.

Roses look beautiful and charming. I approached them gently and inhaled deeply! A beam of light greeted the fragrance of nostrils. Roses are Rosaceae plants. Its ancestor was a kind of evergreen rose, and later it was mixed with wild roses to become the present rose.

Although I have a thorny rose, I also like a gentle, beautiful and fragrant rose.

6. My favorite plants write gardenias in English: Capejasmienisspent, the flowers weet 4 delicious, WhitenessStoobusy, Full Campus, Refresh, BelikecrazyBelikedrunk. Spendyiruren,thepersonalsoislikeaflower,theflowerfumescampus,gardenissweet,buyebeautiful die for cape jasmine field。 affectionofpersonbeautiulcampus deep-felt。 Our campus is very beautiful, especially in the season when jasmine flowers bloom. Teachers and students envy flowers, and memory helps some people "be careful and treat themselves more happily in a healthy environment". Once the flowers and plants on campus become lush, the campus becomes more beautiful and flowers and plants become indispensable, but each kind of flower is more suitable. Every teacher and student has his own opinion and everyone has his own idea. Thenclassmatesdiggingpit、helpearthupoftree、teacherup、timewaterweedrepairforkbranch、 inteachersandstudentscaressnextgardenialiameticulouslytuctivatethrive、asifCapejasmineflowerisunderstandingalso、for usineadvancesisdisdisplayedonitsflowerissweetwithbeauty。 Youdonotunderstandcapejasminetopurity probabilily, its mainforceissmallishandstrong, limbisverymuch, which is similar to beingdatainedatasamimetolalroundextend, branchissinuate, pictureegretysnake of waradvanced sup. You might think that he might be surprised, but you will never be. Its leafisveryspecialalso, GROWTH POINTHETIPTO TREE BASIC, leaf3agroup, surroundintocircuit, Growatthesame, bladesizeisdiffer, obigonesmall, Normallybranchroughsalaaforoundsonly, havethelawverymuch. This is a good example.

7. Write an English composition about the use of plants in about 80 words: it is known to all that plants are great portfolios to our lives. Humans cannot live with plants. First of all, most of mcanabsorbco 2 comes from Iran and Turkey. Second, plants can bring happiness. Take flowers as an example, TheNotonLymakeusFierceElatedButgiveusasenseofBeauty. Third, they provide the food and resources we need. In a word, plants are our friends, they are kind to human beings, and all animals should care about them.

8. Write an English composition about how to plant plants.

Plant all the important creatures. This is because plants can make food from air, water and sunlight. So is animalsandmancannotoso. animalsgetheirfoodbyatingplansandanimals. mangagethisfoodbyatingplansandanimals. Therefore, animalsandmannedplantsinordeterolive.

If you carefully observe the plants around you, you will find many kinds of plants.

There are many kinds of plants: flowering plants and non-flowering plants.

Flower plants have roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits. Almost all trees have flowers.

Non-flowering plants include trees, mosses, liverworts, algae and fungi.

Mostplantsdonotgrowfromseeds。 They grow from spores. Spores are very small. Some small and light spores can float in the air. We can say that these spores need similar seeds. When these spores float in the air, they usually grow into new plants.