Is man made by God or not?

Man was created by God. That's for sure. Heresy, led by evolution, desperately denies this fact. Therefore, it was staged to recognize pigs as fathers (reducing a pig tooth to ancestors), monkeys as fathers (the so-called Beijingers are nothing more than a few people chiseling monkey brains in caves to eat) and stones as fathers (the early earth cooled down from the Big Bang to form rocks, just as rain fell on the stones, and primitive life appeared) ... Observe a cell with a high-powered microscope and see thousands of well-organized work inside. Your theory of evolution has the decay method of nitrogen 14- carbon 14 to measure the age of fossils. They never dare to say the premise of this method: 1, there is no c14 when animals die; Fundamental; 2. At least the earth's magnetic field cannot be changed (in fact, in the past 150 years, the earth's magnetic field has weakened10%); 3. The external environment cannot be changed. In fact, a discerning person knows at a glance that none of these conditions can be met. Moreover, the cycle of nitrogen 14 decaying into carbon 14 is only 5720 years. How do they measure millions of years? In fact, why should they make a fuss about fossils? Because death doesn't reveal secrets. Can't living plants be dated? Of course you can. There have been calculations, but evolutionists have never mentioned it, because there are 1000, 2000 and 4000 years of living plants on the earth, but they are not more than 4500 years, because there was a big flood before.

Evolutionists say that the universe originated from the Big Bang. There was no big explosion for no reason. All matter gathered at one point, kept spinning and suddenly exploded. Oh, my God! I just want to ask, since matter rotates at a point, they should rotate in the same direction after inertial explosion, but why are more than 80 known planets rotating in the opposite direction? Why? Because God knew there would be such stupid people, and deliberately left evidence to satirize them.

Also, evolutionists say that the age of the earth is 4.6 billion years, or more. As we all know today, the rotation speed of the earth is gradually slowing down. The most conservative algorithm is to slow down by one second every 10 year. The bible says that the earth is only over 6000 years old, which is of course no problem. But if you believe that the earth is 4.6 billion years old, then calculate the rotation speed of 4.6 billion years ago. That's right, negative!

None of the so-called fossils in the theory of evolution is between two species, which is their achilles heel. In the past, they regarded archaeopteryx as a treasure, but in recent years, after people found living birds with claws on their wings and teeth in their mouths, they disappeared, so that today they dare not publicize their fossil evidence. They interpret the evolution between species as gene mutation, but try their best to prove that gene mutation can only bring disaster to organisms. There is really no need to enumerate their absurd reasoning assumptions. ...

Let's take a look at what God tells us through the Bible: More than 4,000 years ago, God said to Job, "Can you send lightning to call him and make him say to you,' Here we are'? It was not until the19th century that a desperate scientist named Franklin captured lightning. Today, more than 200 years later, we didn't know the wonder of God until we sent a text message and made a phone call. 2900 years ago, Isaiah, the prophet of God, told people that the earth is round: "God sits on the great circle of the earth"; More than 3,000 years ago, King David's poems told people that air is heavy: "The lower class is really empty, and the upper class is also fake; If you put them on the balance, they will float, and they will be lighter than air. "It took another 3,000 years for science to catch up with this Bible. During Noah's flood, the Bible recorded that all the fountains in the abyss cracked, and scientists didn't find any fountains on the seabed until 1977. ...

By comparison, we can know what is truth and what is ignorance.

Knowing the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. God loves you and has been waiting for you for a long time. Go back to him. May the living God call you through the Holy Spirit, and may the glory be to the most high true God. Amen!