Bo Wang
Zhang Yu old county, Hongdu new home. The stars are divided into wings, and the ground is connected with Lu Heng. Three rivers and five lakes in Jin, controlling barbarians and attracting Ouyue. Wuhua Tianbao, the dragon lamp shoots the bull fighting market; Outstanding people, Xu Ru got off Chen Fan's couch. Xing Chi Cai Jun Xiongzhou fog column. At the turn of summer, the host and guest are all in the southeast. The commander-in-chief Gong Yanyi is elegant, and the halberd is in the distance; Fan Yi of Yuwen Xinzhou is temporarily stationed. Ten days holiday, win friends like a cloud; Welcome to the wedding. Teng Jiao, a poet of Meng; Purple electric paste is General Wang's armory. The master is the butcher, the road is famous, and the boy knows nothing.
When Wei is in September, the sequence belongs to Sanqiu. The water is cold and the pool is clear, and the smoke is purple. Yan Yan likes to walk on the road and watch the scenery to worship Afghanistan. Close to Emperor Cheung Chau, you will see the old pavilion where heaven and man are integrated. Terraces are green and the sky is heavy; Feiting, Xiangdan, there is no land under the ground. Heting ancient bamboo, the haunt of poor islands; Gui Dian Lan Gong is the posture of hills. Embroidering Lu and carving Lu: Yamahara is full of foresight, and Kawasawa is bold and unrestrained. Yan Lu, the hometown of Zhong Mingding's delicious food; Ge boat maze, green finch Huanglong axis. Clouds selling rain Ji, colorful. Sunset and lonely Qi Fei, autumn waters and sky are the same color. Fishing boats sing late and resound all over the coast of Peng Li; Yan Zhen was stunned by the cold, and his voice broke Hengyang's pu.
The distance is smooth and it is easy to fly. Cool breeze blowing gently, singing white clouds. There are bamboos in Suiyuan, which makes Peng Ze angry. Shui Ye Zhu Hua, a pen shining in Linchuan. Four beautiful things, two are difficult to combine. Poor in the sky, leisure is very entertaining. The sky is vast and the universe is infinite; Joy begets sorrow and knowledge is empty. Looking at Chang 'an in the sun, the martial arts will meet in the clouds. The terrain is deep in the South Pole, high in Tianzhu and far from Beichen. It is difficult to climb mountains and mountains, and whoever loses his way is sad; When the ditch meets the water, all the guests come from other places. If you don't see the emperor, how long will you serve in the publicity room? Ha ha! Bad luck, ill-fated; Feng Tang is easy to get old, but Li Guang is hard to seal. Qu Jiayi is in Changsha, not without a master; It's time to escape to the sonority of Haiqu. A gentleman plays it by ear and knows the world. When you are old and strong, you would rather be moved; Poverty is strong, not falling into the sky. Feel happy when you are greedy for springs, and enjoy each other when you are dry. Although Beihai is on credit, it can be accepted; The cold corner has gone, and the mulberry is not late. Meng has noble taste and is free to serve the country; Ruan Ji is crazy, how can he cry to the end of the road!
Bob, who is three feet short, is a scholar. There is no way to ask for it, and the final army will be weak; There is a pen in the heart, and there is a wind of love. Give up hair for a hundred years, and Wan Li will faint in the morning. It is not a treasure tree in Xie Jia, but a neighbor of Montessori. He is becoming more and more palace, and he is accompanying carp; Today, I hold my hand and hope to hold the Longmen. Yang Yi doesn't pick up, caresses Lingyun and cherishes himself; When the clocks meet, why are you ashamed to play running water? Oh! There are not many resorts, so it is difficult to have a grand feast; Lanting is gone, Zize Xu Qiu. Farewell words, thanks to Wei Wei; Climbing high to make a contribution is to hope the public. Dare to exhaust feelings, be respectful and short-quoted; All the words were given, and all four rhymes were done. Please sprinkle Pan Jiang, and each side will pour their own water into the sea.
This used to be Zhang Yu County, and now it is Hongzhou Governor's Office. The position in the sky belongs to the wing, which separates the two stars, and the position on the ground connects Hengshan and Lushan. Take Sanjiang as the skirt and Five Lakes as the belt, control Chu land and connect Fujian and Vietnam. The essence of things is the treasure of heaven, and the sword light shines directly on the interval between cattle and barrels. Ying Jie is among the people, and because the earth has aura, Fan Chen specially built several couches for Xu Ru. Magnificent Hongzhou City, houses are like fog, and talents are as active as stars. The city is located in the key place at the junction of Yi and Xia, and the host and guest have concentrated talents in the southeast. Commander-in-Chief Gong Yanxiang enjoys a high reputation. He came to Hongzhou from afar and worked as a shepherd in Yuwen House. He is a model of virtue and stopped here on his way to his post. On the day of the tenth holiday, outstanding friends and distinguished guests gathered here. Meng, the leader of the literary world, wrote articles with flying momentum, dancing Cai Feng, and the swords and shadows in General Wang's armory. Because my father is going to be a county magistrate, I passed this famous place on my way to visit relatives. Young and ignorant, I was lucky enough to attend this grand banquet in person.
It's September, and the autumn is crisp. The water is gone, the pool is clear, the sky is condensed with faint clouds, and the mountains are purple in the twilight. Driving a carriage on a high mountain road, visiting the scenery in the mountain. Come to the emperor Changzhou and find the palace where the immortals live. The mountains overlap here, and the green peaks soar into the sky. A pavilion in the air, a Hong Ting Road is like flying in the sky, and the ground can't be seen from the pavilion. The small continent where white cranes and wild ducks stop, with winding islands, elegant palaces and continuous mountains set each other off. Open the door of the carved pavilion, overlooking the roof decorated with colorful ornaments, and have a panoramic view of the mountains and plains. The twists and turns of the lake and Sichuan are amazing. There are alleys and houses everywhere, and many rich people are eating and drinking. Ge boats are full of ferries, full of big boats carved with green finches and yellow dragons. After the rain in Chu Qing, the rainbow disappears, the sun is shining, the sunset flies with the lonely geese, and the autumn waters are sky-high. In the evening, the singing of fishing boats resounded through the lake of Peng Li, and the geese were chilly and singing, echoing at the water's edge of Hengyang.
Looking at the distance, my mind just felt comfortable, and my transcendental interest immediately rose. The flute attracted the gentle breeze, and the soft singing attracted the floating white clouds. Like Zhulinji in Suiyuan, people who are good at drinking here can drink more than Tao Yuanming, the magistrate of Pengze County, and praise lotus flowers like Shui Ye. The poet's literary talent here is better than that of Xie Lingyun in Linchuan People's History. These four beauties (music and diet, articles and words) are all ready, and these two rare conditions (showing beautiful scenery and tasting pleasure) are also done together. Look up at the sky as much as possible and have fun on holidays. The sky is vast, which makes people feel that the universe is boundless. Joy has passed, sadness has come, and I understand that the rise and fall of the nobility are doomed by fate. Looking at Chang 'an in the west and Wu Hui in the east, the land in the south is exhausted, the sea is unfathomable, the Beidou in the north is out of reach, and Tianzhu is out of reach. This mountain is difficult to cross. Who sympathizes with frustrated people? Meet by chance, all strangers in a foreign land. We missed the gate of the palace, but we were not summoned. When can we serve the king?
Well, everyone's timing is different, and the fate of life is often not smooth. Feng Tang is prone to aging, but Li Guang is rare. Jia Yi was wronged and demoted to Changsha, not because there was no monarch, but because Hongliang fled to Qilu seaside. Isn't this an era of political prosperity? Only because a gentleman is content with poverty can a knowledgeable person know his own destiny. Although you are old, you should be more ambitious. How to change your mood when you are old? Although the situation is difficult, we should be more ethical and never give up our lofty aspirations. Even if you drink the water from the greedy spring, your mood is still fresh and clean; Even if you are on a dry main road, your mind is still cheerful and happy. Although the North Sea is far away, it can still be reached by a whirlwind of horns. Although the morning has passed, it is not too late to cherish the night. Meng Changjun is noble, but he loves to serve his country in vain. Ruan Ji is a dissolute person. How can we learn from his poor crying!
I am humble, just a scholar. Although he is twenty-one years old like the final army, he has nowhere to volunteer to kill the enemy. I envy Zong Yi's heroism and ambition to join the army. Now I have abandoned my lifelong fame, and Wan Li is not far away to serve my father day and night. Although not Xie Jia's "baby tree", he can associate with virtuous people. Soon I will meet my father and listen to his teachings. Today, I am very happy to accompany all my elders and climb the Longmen happily. If you don't meet the person introduced by Yang Deyi, you will only shoot your own article and feel sorry for yourself. Now that you've met Zhong Ziqi, what's the shame of playing "Running Water"?
Oh! Places of interest can't last forever, and it's hard to meet again. Lanting Banquet is a thing of the past, and Zize in Shi Chong is in ruins. Thank you for the gift of this banquet. I made this preface when I left. As for the summit, I can only count on the gentlemen present. I just took the liberty of making a brief introduction with my humble mind. Everyone here writes poems according to their own rhymes. I wrote eight sentences with four rhymes. Please show your talents and write magnificent poems like Pan Yue and Lu Ji.