1, the beautiful scenery of patio sand, the sunset is rustling, and wild crows frequently return to their nests. The water is flowing, so beautiful, the ground is wide and the sky is high. Sunset rustling, wild crows frequently return to their nests. The water is flowing, so beautiful, the ground is wide and the sky is high. Sunset rustling, wild crows frequently return to their nests. The water is flowing, so beautiful, the ground is wide and the sky is high.
2. After the rain. Go downstairs gently. On a sunny day. Please take a walk in the garden. Smell the thick flowers. Touch the petals with the tip of your nose. On a sunny day. Please take a walk in the garden. Look at that honey-gathering bee. Look at that industrious butterfly. On a sunny day. Please take a walk in the garden. Look at these flowers. Swing in the arms of the wind. Dance.
3. Swing its slender posture. On a sunny day. Please take a walk in the garden. That tall poplar tree. Protect people from the sun. Let more people come here to enjoy the cool. Come here to visit. On a sunny day. Please take a walk in the garden. Drive away the unpleasantness of rainy days. Just relax。 In my heart. It looks as sweet as honey. On a sunny day. Please come for a walk in the garden. ...
4. In spring, you come to the world silently, wake up everything, tear off your spring seeds and make the earth colorful. When everything is in full bloom, your summer heat comes to earth, scorching the earth, leaving your summer heat to make the earth lush, and Xia Shu's lush and scorching sun makes you the most beautiful autumn. You came into this world with fragrance and richness, leaving your autumn flowers and fields full of fruits.
5. You are the most beautiful in the winter when the grain is abundant and the rice is fragrant. You came into this world with a frozen snow cover, freezing the earth, leaving you with the cold of winter and making the earth wither. No matter spring or summer, or autumn and winter, you are the most beautiful outside thousands of miles. Their life is short, but their dedication is long.