When the moon rises in the east of Lucheng, it is as bright as snow in the sky. The female of Lu surprised the chicken, and the machine rang in response to the autumn festival. When you miss the night, the fire falls and the golden wind is high. He Han hangs up his household, and he wants to help. I used to say goodbye to Lin Qiu, but Yunlong suddenly met. The guest star moved too little and headed for Luoyang Hall. You came to Mao Yan, and seven leaves were more than Han Yu. As a guest of Xiapi, I have a book of Qiaoqiao at home. When Fu Shuo didn't dream, he would eventually start a rock field. Ride the stars through the ages, and shine brightly in the world. I haven't met you, so I'm a long-term policy director. The treasure knife hides the jade box, and the rust is astringent and empty. Therefore, the world is stupid, and my soil and ash are light. Once you climb the dragon, the frog lives in peace. Therefore, there must be wine in the mountain, and I will pour gold with you. Poems: Zhang Qing is rewarded for staying in Nanling for the night. Poems by Li Bai in Tang Dynasty: Music and Imagination