Minta: daughter of Corsitos, the weeping river god. Originally a fairy in Shui Ze. Mingta was once Hades' favorite lover, but Hades married Persephone, the goddess of spring from Antai, and declared her the queen of death. Minta was jealous, so she spread her everywhere, far more beautiful and noble than Persephone, and Hades would definitely come back to her. Even threatened to throw Persephone out of the house. The angry Persephone turned Mingta into mint grass. It is said that Persephone frantically ground Minta to dust, while Hades made mint grass grow out of her ashes.
Luce: goddess of the sea/poplar. Luce is the daughter of oceanus, the god of rivers and oceans, and Tethys, the goddess of oceans. It turned out to be the sea goddess (sea fairy). But Hades fell in love with Ryukyu and took her to Fukushima. However, Lukko was not an immortal goddess, so she died of depression. Hades turned her into a poplar tree and turned it into his own sacred tree.