Why is China now entering the era of mass consumption? Theoretically speaking, we have the famous six-stage theory of Rostow on the division of the historical process of the whole social and economic development, that is to say, a society has gone through six stages from the traditional society to the post-modern society: the traditional social development stage, the preparation stage, the take-off stage, the mature stage, the mass consumption stage and the surpassing mass consumption stage. So according to Rostow's theory, what are the basic characteristics of the mass consumption stage? From the perspective of economic development, the main economic sector has changed from manufacturing to service industry, and luxury consumption has started to climb upward. Producers and consumers began to pay attention to the quality of consumption and used a lot of high-tech achievements. People's spending on leisure, education, medical care, social security and other projects has increased substantially. At the same time, consumption is more international and people pay more attention to international brands. Public consumption may exceed the pursuit of survival and food and clothing. Then they not only demand better food, clothing, housing and transportation, but also meet the general consumption of durable goods. On this basis, they pursue and begin to pursue the quality of life and the consumption of fine and famous products. I think entering such a mass consumption stage is the macro background and macro foundation for the development of outlets. Domestic scholars, combined with such a theory, put forward the so-called new growth stage theory when studying China's current development stage. This is the theory put forward by Mr. Li Peilin from the Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences last year.
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