What are the translation strategies of functional equivalence theory?

What are the translation strategies of functional equivalence theory? 1. Functional Equivalence Theory In 1960s, Eugene A., an American translator, put forward "dynamic equivalence" in Translation Theory and Practice, that is, comparing the responses of the source language and the target language recipients before and after translation, trying to restore the understanding and appreciation of the source language author in the translation. It is worth mentioning that at this time, Nida took reader's response as a criterion to measure the faithfulness of the translation, which broke away from the traditional formal equivalence and jumped out of the bondage of the original structure.

2. Characteristics of foreign affairs translation

In his book Linguistic Theory of Translation, J.C.Catford of the United Kingdom defined translation as: "Translation is the equivalent replacement of discourse materials in one language with those in another language" [2](Catford, 1965:76). In foreign affairs translation, translators should pay special attention to the translation of China's characteristic words, convey information accurately in the most natural and close language, and achieve good publicity results.

3. The importance of functional equivalence theory in foreign translation.

Functional equivalence theory takes the reader's response as a criterion to measure whether the translation is faithful or not, and compares the responses of the source readers and the target readers, requiring the source readers and the target readers to converge on the same phenomenon. Similarly, foreign affairs translation also insists on taking the target audience as the center, accurately grasping the connotation of the source text, using corresponding translation strategies, faithfully conveying information and reproducing the natural equivalence closest to the source information. Translator is a bridge between cultures. On the one hand, they need to read the Chinese materials of publicity abroad as readers, and on the other hand, they need to convert the relevant contents of publicity materials into the target language [3] (Zheng, 20 17: 19). Translators need to properly handle the cultural and ideological differences between China and the West, and under the guidance of functional equivalence theory, take the reaction of the target readers as the starting point, use specific translation skills, change the language expression and improve the acceptability of the translation.