Since ancient times, people in China have paid great attention to etiquette, using your surname to ask others' names and ages. Read people's articles, read people's articles, and ask people to correct them with axes. Ask people to criticize, teach, forgive and tolerate, even if it is a war of words, it will pay attention to the beauty of language.
In addition, gifts will be given to each other on holidays or friends' birthday parties. Gifts should not be too expensive or too shabby. To give according to the preference of the recipient, you also need to express your feelings.
The ancients said, "A gentleman values friendship, while a villain values interests", so gift-giving has become a science. However, in order to avoid giving the wrong gifts to future generations, the ancestors summed up an idiom called "If you don't give something seven times, you will give it to others to distribute your wealth". What is the truth of this sentence? What do you mean by "seven no hair"?
The first is the "clock"
In ancient times, bells were divided into chimes for playing and Brahma bells or half-bells for telling time in temples. In the old society, "death knell" and "providing for the aged" were homophonic. If you give a gift to the bell, it will make the owner feel unlucky and think that he is expecting others to die.
People have always been very shy about death. If a friend sends a clock, it will be despised, so you can't send it.
Second, the wallet
Nowadays, giving wallets is a gift between boyfriend and girlfriend or husband and wife, but in fact, giving wallets to others will also affect your wealth, and the economic conditions will get worse and worse as time goes by.
In ancient times, wallets were regarded as a symbol of wealth. If you give away your wallet, you are giving away your wealth. If it's a wallet you haven't used, that's another way of saying it.
Third, the fish tank
In the eyes of the ancients, fish tanks could not be given away casually. Another way of saying it is that fish tanks make money by feng shui, so fish tanks are regarded as "water gods", and water represents wealth. Ancient people depended on the sky for food, and food was also a hot commodity. Irrigation is essential for a good harvest, so people regard water as wealth.
Now in modern times, people also regard the fish tank as a symbol of family wealth. The fish in the fish tank is considered as money, so there is a saying that there are fish every year, so neither fish nor fish tank can be given away casually.
Fourth, pillows.
In the eyes of the ancients, pillow means "sharing a bed, carefree", and pillow also represents love and career. If you give the pillow away, you give up your career and love.
In addition, when choosing a pillow, couples should not be too high or too low. Too high will make people cocky, too low is easy to have nightmares. Therefore, you must master the "degree" when choosing a pillow.
Verb (short for verb) shoes
People who send shoes abound in life, especially now couples like to send expensive shoes, but there are also many stresses on sending "shoes".
The homonym of shoes is "evil", sending shoes represents sending evil spirits, and shoes also mean "getting separated", while sending shoes between couples is a sign of bad feelings, so neither friends nor couples can send shoes.
Six, pears
Pear is a kind of food, and the most famous pear is Zhaozhou Sydney, which is thin and juicy and can quench thirst. But in the eyes of the ancients, "pear" and "Li" were homonyms, so in ancient times, you should never give pears when you give people fruit.
And modern parents don't let their children "share pears", especially couples. Because splitting pears is splitting.
Seven, candles
In ancient times, candles were common lighting tools. The main material is paraffin, which is usually made of animal fat. Candles are widely used because they glow when they burn.
But in literature and art, candles symbolize sacrifice and dedication. For example, Li Shangyin's "Spring silkworms will weave until they die, and tears will be exhausted every night" was originally a love poem with the theme of separation between men and women, but in modern times it has metaphorically reflected the teacher's hard work.
However, in the eyes of the ancients, candles were for deceased relatives. It will be unlucky to give candles to the living.
Seemingly boring proverbs contain profound truth and are also a kind of inheritance of China culture. Although many people think some proverbs are superstitious, I hope everyone can take the essence and discard the dross.