The loving God loves the world and praises poetry.
God loved the world so much that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. (John 3: 16) This is a very important scripture, or the abbreviation of the whole gospel. Many people read this verse and were saved by faith; There are also many Christians who have not only stood firm before the Lord, but have been making progress because of this verse. This passage makes people choose between good and bad, life and death, which is the center of the Bible. Martin Luther called it the "mini gospel". New believers have memorized this verse for a long time, and even many Christian children can recite it and sing it. This poem is easy to understand, but it is also profound, which contains extremely rich truth and is of great use in life. I hope we can all recite this verse and be Christians who glorify God all our lives.