The east is the season when the earth rests. The yellow grass is dying in the biting wind. "What a pity!" The insects said in unison. A few days later, when the insects passed the pile of hay again. Ah! Where is the hay? Oh? It was cut off by a group of passing children to keep warm. "ah! What a pity! " Once again, the insects said in unison.
When winter goes and spring comes, the ice and snow on the lake melt. The smell of spring is everywhere. One day, the sky was covered with dark clouds, just like God knocked over the ink bottle. The insects on the ground soon returned to the hole. It is going to rain soon.
The rain stopped, and the sound of raindrops on the roadside said, "Didi …… Didi ……" Like the aftertaste of a rain. This is unheard of by children in the city. Suddenly, many green seedlings miraculously "drilled" on the muddy ground.
A few days later, when the insects passed the grass again. I was surprised to see a pile of green grass. "How nice!" The insects said in unison.
A gust of wind blew and the grass danced. Insects sing and dance. "Ha, ha, ha ....." Cheerful laughter merged with the wind.
"wildfire never quite consumes them, the spring breeze is blowing high" We should also learn from the nature of grass!