Psalm 128: 1-6

Poetry 128: 1. Blessed are those who fear the Lord and walk in his ways.

Psalm 128:2 You should eat what you earn, you should enjoy happiness, and things will go smoothly.

Ps 128:3 Your wife is in your inner room, like a fruitful vine; Your children surround your desk like olive groves.

Psalm 128:4 Behold, the man who fears the Lord will be blessed in this way.

Ps 128:5 may the Lord bless you from Zion; May you see the benefits of Jerusalem all your life.

Ps 128:6 May you see your children's children; May peace come to Israel.

1. What kind of God is God?

Blessing those who fear him and follow his path is a blessing.

Second, the lesson.

1, from hard work.

(God bless)

Psalm 105:44 He gave them the lands of the nations, and they inherited the labor of all the people.

Isa 65:22 What they have built, no one else may live in it. Others can't eat what they grow. For the days of my people will be like the days of trees, and the labor of my voters will be enjoyed for a long time.

Isa 65:23 They will not labor in vain, and their children will not suffer, for they are all descendants blessed by the Lord, and so are their children.

Isa 62:8 The Lord has sworn by his right hand and his mighty arm, saying, I will never give your grain to your enemies for food again, and foreigners will never drink your newly earned wine again.

Only the reapers will eat it and praise the Lord. Those who come together will drink in the courts of my sanctuary. "

(on your own)

Ecclesiastes 10: 15 Every fool's labor makes him sleepy, because he doesn't even know the way to the city.

Jer 5 1:58 Thus says the LORD of hosts, Babylon's wide walls will be completely toppled, and her tall gates will be burned with fire. Everyone's labor will go up in smoke,

? Fire consumes the labor of the nations, and they will all be weary. "

Ha 2: 13 All the labors of the people were burned by fire. Is it not from the Lord Almighty that all nations benefit from fatigue and come to nothing?

Everything is going well.

3. Wife and children

A fruitful vine: (The Lord Jesus once compared himself to a vine)

Olive seed: refers to the prosperity in life.
