It is said that during the Kaiyuan period, three swordsmen, Wang Changling, Gao Shi and Wang Zhihuan, met in a restaurant in Chang 'an, the capital city, and talked about their ambitions and prospects for the country over a little wine. At this juncture, suddenly a group of handsome men and beautiful women in the entertainment circle came to the restaurant. They come here to party and sing poems. At that time, in the Tang Dynasty, singing poetry was a very popular activity, and most people with a certain cultural background would do it at parties. It occurred to Wang Zhihuan that all three of them are top figures in the national poetry circle, so they agreed that when performing and singing poems, the more their poems are sung as lyrics, the winner will be tonight, and the remaining two will pay for tonight, and the three of them hit it off.
At the beginning, the two singers sang poems by Wang Changling and Gao Shi respectively, among which Wang Changling's Farewell to Xin Jian in Furong Inn entered Wu on a cold rainy night and saw the loneliness of Fujian. Friends, if my friends in Luoyang invite me; Just say I'm still Bing Xin Okho, and stick to my faith! And Gao Shi's "Crying for Single Father Liang Jiushaofu" is even more tearful. I also read your book the day before yesterday. How lonely is the night platform? It is still a cloud house. At this time, Wang Zhihuan was unconvinced, saying that the two men didn't understand poetry, and the best female singer would definitely sing my poem. Sure enough, all the excellent female singers sang Wang Zhihuan's? The Yellow River is getting farther and farther away, because it flows in the middle of the Yellow River, and Yumenguan is located on a lonely mountain. Why use the elegy of willow to complain about the delay of spring, old Yumenguan, a spring breeze is not blowing! ?
After singing, Wang Zhihuan joked with Wang Changling and Gao Shi. I am not arrogant. The point is that the first two people are hillbillies! ? . ?