People have committed crimes.
Cut off from god
But God still loves us.
So he sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to crucify him
Wash our sins with the blood of Jesus Christ.
Let's make peace with God.
Restore our relationship with God's children. Salvation is (justification by faith-believing in Jesus Christ).
Confess one's sins before
Accept Jesus Christ as our savior.
Jesus Christ must die.
Because he is the only person in the world who has never committed a crime.
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1. The source of man: a) The way God uses commands.
He created the universe and everything in it; The Lord made man from the dust of the ground.
Blow anger into his hole
He became a living soul. (Gen 2:7) So God made man in his own image.
He created men and women in his own image. (Chuang1:27)-Of all things in the universe.
Only man is created in the image of God, which includes man's spirituality.
And kindness
Virtues such as holiness. B) Human life comes from the meaning of God.
But human existence is not self-sufficient. Man is a part of creating the world.
Need to reflect on the purpose of his existence. On the other hand,
People should also know their uniqueness and transcendence. 2. Humanity: In addition to the tangible body.
There is also a focal soul. The body comes from dust.
The soul comes from the spirit of God. After god blew the holy spirit into Adam's hole.
He became a living soul. Body and soul.
Form a complete person. 3. The original happiness of human beings: a sound body.
Holy Spirit
A comfortable life. Free fellowship with God in heaven.
Govern everything; And not controlled by selfish desires 4. Degeneration of human nature: People were free in heaven at first. People can choose to obey God or disobey God.
Can also refuse the temptation of ancient snakes. A) internal reasons
It is people's unbelief and dissatisfaction. B) external reasons
This is Satan, the devil, seducing and seducing in the style of an ancient snake.
Questioning the goodness of God's heart
Shake one's faith in myth
And reduce the seriousness of the consequences of crime! C) Sin entered the world because of depravity (Romans. 5: 12)
Humans and the whole created world are affected. On sin 1 Definition of sin: a) Sin is against God's law.
God's code. Yes [no]
Deviate from justice. (Rom。 twenty three past two
5: 14; Gallon 3: 19) B) Crime is an inherent law of human beings.
It's not just a performance. (Rom。 7: 14
17-25) 2. human sin: everyone is thinking.
spoken language
Inconsistent with the obvious will of God in behavior.
Are all sins. A) original sin
It originated from Adam (rom), the ancestor of mankind. 5: 12).
Its influence affects everyone in the world.
There are no exceptions. (Isaiah 53: 6; Poetry14: 2-3; About one 1:8
10). And it is emotion.
And attitudes towards all aspects of corruption. B) this crime.
Refers to the repeated crimes committed in one's life. This goes against all the clear wishes of God.
Including ideas
spoken language
Mind. The greatest sin of mankind.
Don't believe in God
Refuse to redeem; Don't love light
Love darkness (ROM. 14:23; John 3: 16-2 1) The result of sin: The Bible says that people die in sin (Ephesians 2: 1).
I can't save myself. A) stay away from god.
Follow the customs of this world
Obey the devil
Indulge *
Become an angry son. (Ephesians 2: 1-3) B) Physical and mental pain (Gen. 3: 17- 18)
Repeated bitter fruit (poem 107: 17)
Make life full of pain
Towards extinction. C) death
The wages of sin is death (Romans. 6:23), including physical death and spiritual isolation from God.
And eternal hell fire. Where is human hope? Hebrews 9:22 If there were no bloodshed,
There is no excuse for sin. Lord of hymns.
What am I waiting for now? My hope depends on you. Three. What is salvation? Salvation is freedom from crime and punishment.
Free from the wrath of god (Ps. 7: 1 1; Around 3: 36); Salvation is liberation from sin.
Free release (about 8: 34-36; Add 5:1); Salvation is liberation from sin.
There is the hope of eternal life (1 Thessalonians 3: 14- 17) 1. Achievement of salvation: salvation depends on grace.
This is God's achievement in grace. A) It comes from God's great love (about 3:16; Sea fish of Sparidae (5:8) and the righteousness of God (Luo. 3:26) Became flesh through the word of the Lord Jesus.
Death (Rom. 6:23; Lai10:11-12
14; Mt.26: 67-68
27:26-44 )
Resurrection (Rom. 6:22-23; 15: 14-26)
Ascension (Acts 1:3)
9; 2: 5-6 in advance; Sea fish of Sparidae 8:34; Hebrews 7: 25; 1 John 2: 1). 2. Redemption factors: a) Confess one's sins-admit one's sins (Ps. 5 1:3-7; Road 18: 13)
Mourn for sin (2 Cor. 7:9- 10)
Confess to God.
Be found not guilty (Prov. 28: 13)
Call on the name of the Lord (Romans. 10: 13).b) trust in Jesus-accept Jesus as your savior (about 1: 12).
Believe that Jesus acknowledged the name of the Lord (Acts16: 31; Luo10: 9-10; Philippians 1:29) C) The Holy Spirit is reborn into a new life (Jn. 3:3). Rebirth includes forgiveness of sins.
Innocent before God.
Known as righteousness (Luo. 3:24); There is a new life in the Lord (2 Cor. 5: 17). This is the work of the Holy Spirit (about 3:3-5).
Out of grace (Luo. 6: 13).3. The extreme of redemption-the word "sanctification".
I'm going to buy it back in the market.
Usually refers to buying slaves in the market; It describes that believers are freed from the bondage of sin, and the price paid by those who buy redemption is the death of Christ Jesus and the reconciliation in the Bible.
[Redemption Sacrifice]
Sanctification is all about redemption from different angles. Here we will discuss the effect of redemption.
See if these two webpages can help you: Christi study/data/theory/5 _ point _ of _ calvini * * * About wiki.nrmrc/pmwiki/BK/-12k-Christian redemption.