(2) Shimenna Church-the persecuted church. For the sake of this church, the Lord told them not to be afraid. The congregation in this place was persecuted. However, the Lord did not warn them not to be afraid, and promised that they would not be hurt for the second time (the second death is to be separated from God forever). Therefore, Shimenna church is a church that has not been blamed by the Lord.
(3) Pergamo Church-refers to the national church, tolerating some evil deeds: 1 Balaam's lesson, 2 Nicholas's lesson. As we all know, Balaam is a mercenary false prophet who lures the Israelites to sin against God. Nicholas, the original meaning is the conqueror of the laity. The Bible does not explain what this lesson is, but it tells us that it is abhorrent to Jesus. Therefore, the Lord said that he would come to this church, not a double-edged sword, in order to separate the good from the bad.
(4) The Church of Thyatira-this church was manipulated by a false prophet named Jezebel and allowed her to corrupt it with evil teachings. This Jezebel is talking about a replica of Jezebel in Elijah's time. Therefore, when the Lord comes to this church, his eyes are like fire and his feet are like bright copper, and he is ready to step on the judgment seat. Those who refuse to follow Jezebel's teachings will be rewarded.
⑤. Sadi Church-a church in the reform period, probably 15 17- 1730. Scripture tells us that this church has a good reputation outside, but its spirituality is dead, so the Lord asked them to think about how they received it at first, how they heard it, what they should do and how they should repent.
6. Philadelphia is not a church-Jesus praised the congregation of this church and told them that no one can close an open door. This message is a promise to every church that faithfully preaches the gospel of God, faithfully teaches people according to God's will, abides by God's word, and does not reject the name of the Lord.
All landowners Laodicea church-refers to the church of apostates. The characteristics of this church are: neither hot nor cold. The congregation is satisfied with lip recognition, but they don't know it. They are complacent people like warm water. Therefore, the Lord's evaluation of them is: they claim to be satisfied, but they are actually poor and lack everything, but they think they lack everything, but they know everything, but they don't know how corrupt, miserable, poor, blind and mentally naked they are. Our Lord told them to repent and knock and open the door. Whoever wins will receive a reward in the kingdom of Christ.