Appreciation of the original text of "Ancient Military Prose, Spring and Autumn Art of War, Zhou Rites"
[Original text] (Excerpt)
Xia Guan Sima Fourth
< p> Only when the king established the country, he determined the right position, organized the country and the country, set up officials and divided their duties, and regarded the people as the best. He established the official Sima of Xia, envoys and commanders of his subordinates, and took charge of state affairs to assist the king in bringing peace to the state. The subordinates of political officials:Da Sima, a minister. Xiao Sima and two middle-level officials. Army Sima and four senior officials. Yu Sima, eight sergeants. There are six out of ten sergeants in the army, and two out of thirty corporals. There are six people in the government, six in the history, two in the thirty, and twenty in the three hundred.
Whenever an army is formed, there are always 2,500 soldiers. There are six armies for kings, three armies for big countries, two armies for minor countries, and one army for small countries. All generals and generals have their orders. There are 2,000 and 500 people as teachers, and all the teachers and commanders are great officials. There are five hundred people for the brigade, and the brigade commanders are all senior officials. There are hundreds of soldiers, all of whom are sergeants. There are two of twenty-five people, and both commanders are sergeants. When five people form a team, each team has its own merits. One army consists of two mansions and six historians, with ten assistants and a hundred disciples.
Si Xun: Two sergeants and four corporals. There are two people in the government, four people in the history, two people in the Xu, and twenty people in the disciples.
Horse quality: Two sergeants. There is one person in the government, two people in the history, four people in the Jia family, and eight people in the disciples.
Measuring people: two corporals. There is one person in the government, four people in history, and eight people in disciples.
Boy: Two corporals. There is one person in history and eight people in disciples.
Goatmen: Two corporals. One person was Shi, two were Jia, and eight were disciples.
Si Yao: Two corporals. There are six disciples.
Zhanggu: two sergeants and eight corporals. There are two people in the government, four people in the history, four people in the Xu, and forty people in the disciples.
Division of Insurance: Two sergeants and four corporals. There were two historians and forty disciples.
Palm Territory: Eight sergeants. There are four people in history, six people in Xu Shi, and sixty people in disciples.
Waiting people: six sergeants and two out of ten corporals. There are six historical figures and twenty disciples.
Ring people: six corporals. There are two people in history and two people in ten.
The Cuhu family: six corporals. There are two people in history and two people in ten.
Shooting people: two doctors, four sergeants, and eight corporals. There are two people in the government, four people in the history, two people in the Xu, and twenty people in the disciples.
Fubushi: One person is a corporal. Four disciples.
Shotori: a corporal. Four disciples.
Luo Shi: One person is a corporal. Eight disciples.
In charge of animals: two corporals. There are two Shi, two Xu, and twenty disciples.
Sergeants: There are two officers, six sergeants, and two out of ten corporals. There are two people in the government, four people in the history, four people in the Xu, and forty people in the disciples.
Confucius: There are two officials and four sergeants. There are two people in the government, two people in the history, two people in Xu, and twenty disciples.
Siyou: Two sergeants and four corporals. There are four people in the government, four people in the history, eight people in the Xu family, and eighty people in the disciples.
Huben's family: There are two doctors and two sergeants out of ten. There are two people in the government, eight people in the history, eighty people in the army, and eight hundred people in the army.
Lubenshi: Two sergeants and six out of ten corporals. There are two historians and eight disciples.
Jiefu clan: eight corporals. Four disciples.
Fang Xiangshi: Four crazy husbands.
The servant and the two officials. There are four minor ministers and sergeants. There were six sacrificial servants and sergeants. There are two out of ten imperial servants and corporals. There are two people in the government, four people in the history, two people in the Xu, and twenty people in the disciples.
Two servants and corporals. There is one person in the government, two people in history, four people in Xu, and forty people in disciples.
Benshi: Two corporals. There are four workers, two historians and four apprentices.
Si Jia: There are two doctors and eight sergeants. There are four people in the government, eight people in history, eight people in Xu, and eighty people in disciples.
Sergeant: Four sergeants. There are two people in the government, four people in the history, two people in the Xu, and twenty people in the disciples.
Si Gedun: Two corporals. There is one person in the government, two people in history, and four people in disciples.
Si Gongya: There are two doctors and eight sergeants. There are four people in the government, eight people in history, eight people in Xu, and eighty people in disciples.
Repair people: two sergeants and four corporals. There is one person in the government, two people in history, two people in Xu, and twenty people in disciples.
Contributors: Four sergeants. There are two people in the government, four people in the history, two people in the Xu, and twenty people in the disciples.
Rong You: Two middle officers and two sergeants.
Qi You: Here are two doctors.
Right of the road: Two sergeants.
Da Yu: Two middle-level officials.
Rong servant: Two middle-level officials.
Qi Pu: Here are two doctors.
Dao servant: There are two sergeants out of ten.
Field servant: There are two out of ten sergeants.
Drivers: twenty sergeants and forty corporals.
School staff: There are two middle-level doctors, four sergeants, and six out of ten corporals. There are four people in the government, eight people in history, eight people in Xu, and eighty people in disciples.
Qu Ma: Corporal, from Fu. Four disciples.
Wuma: Two corporals.
There are four doctors, one from the government, two historians, two Jia, and twenty disciples.
Chaplain: Four corporals. There are four Xu and forty disciples.
Thin Man: Corporal, two idlers. There are two historians and twenty disciples.
Master Yu: Take one person and take two people. Yu people: One person has good horses and one person has beautiful horses.
Fang's position: four middle-level officials, eight lower-level officers, and six sergeants. There are four people in the government, six in the history, six in the Xu, and sixty in the disciples.
Hijikata clan: five sergeants and ten corporals. There are two people in the government, five people in history, five people in Xu, and fifty people in disciples.
Huai Fangshi: Eight sergeants. There are four people in the government, four people in history, four people in Xu, and forty people in disciples.
He Fangshi: Eight sergeants. There are four people in the government, four people in history, four people in Xu, and forty people in disciples.
Xun Fangshi: four sergeants. There are four people in the government, four people in history, four people in Xu, and forty people in disciples.
Xingfangshi: Four sergeants. There are four people in the government, four people in history, four people in Xu, and forty people in disciples.
Mountain division: two sergeants and four corporals. There are two people in the government, four people in the history, four people in the Xu, and forty people in the disciples.
Sichuan Division: two sergeants and four corporals. There are two people in the government, four people in the history, four people in the Xu, and forty people in the disciples.
Original division: four sergeants and eight corporals. There are four people in the government, eight people in the history, eight people in the Xu family, and eighty people in the disciples.
Kuang people: Four sergeants. There are four historians and eight apprentices.
Detectives: Four sergeants. There are four historians and eight apprentices.
Du Sima: Each capital has two sergeants, four sergeants, eight corporals, two governors, eight historians, eight assistants, and eighty apprentices.
Family Sima: Each has his ministers in order to correct the company's horses.
The duties of the Grand Sima:
In charge of the nine methods of establishing a country, to assist the king to stabilize the country, to control the country and to regulate the country; to set up rituals and identify the position, so as to ensure the peace of the country; Promoting talents and meritorious services is to build the country; establishing pastoralists and prisons is to maintain the country; controlling the army and interrogation is to correct the country; paying tribute and dividing duties is to appoint the country; keeping track of the villagers is to use the country; all are guarded. The principle of peace is to ensure the peace of the country; the greater importance of trivial matters is to bring peace to the country.
Use the method of nine attacks to rectify the country: if the enemy is weak and invades the few, kill them; if the thieves and virtuous people harm the people, attack them; if they attack the inner and outer mausoleums, then attack them; in the wilderness and the people are scattered, then cut them down If the enemy refuses to obey, invade him; if the thief kills his relatives, he will be punished; if he kills his lord, he will be mutilated; if he violates the government of the imperial mausoleum, he will be suppressed; if there is internal and external disturbances and birds and beasts roaming around, he will be destroyed.
The first month of the month is auspicious, and Shihe is in charge of the government of the country.
With the Jiuji title, he held the political position of Shi Bangguo. A thousand miles away is called Guo Ji, another five hundred miles away is called Hou Ji, another five hundred miles away is called Dian Ji, another five hundred miles away is called Nan Ji, another five hundred miles away is called Man Ji, and another five hundred miles away is called Man Ji. The area five hundred miles away is called Wei Ji, the area five hundred miles away is called Manji, the area five hundred miles away is called Yi Ji, the area five hundred miles away is called Zhenji, and the area five hundred miles away is called Zhenji. Said Fan Ji.
All orders and gifts are based on the land and people. Those who go to the ground can eat two ginseng, and the people can use it for three people in their families. In the middle of the country, half of the people can eat, and the people can live in two families and five people. If you go down to the ground to eat one of the ginseng, the people can use it for two of your family.
In the middle of the Spring Festival, Sima used flags to promote the brigade, displaying them in a flat display, just like displaying them in battle. The king holds the road drum, the princes hold the Ben drum, the military general holds the Jin drum, the division commander holds the ti, the brigade commander holds the harpoon, the soldier commander holds the cymbal, the two commanders hold the duo, and the company horse holds the bracelet to teach sitting. The knots of action, advance and retreat, slowness and sparseness. So they searched the fields, and some officials showed off their raccoon dogs and swore to the people: "Drums were played, so they were surrounded and imprisoned; the fire was bad, and the birds were sacrificed to the community."
The Zhongxia Teaching House is like the Chen of Zhenlu. The officials wrote the chariots and apprentices, read the deeds, and identified the names. The commanders were named by their families, the county magistrates were named by their names, the families were named by their titles, the townships were named by the states, and the fields were named by the towns. All officials were assigned their own duties. Discuss military affairs at night. Others are like Zhenlu. So he used the method of searching the seedling fields, but the carts were not good, and he sacrificed birds and flags to enjoy the harvest.
Teaching and managing soldiers in the Mid-Autumn Festival is like the Chen of Zhenlu. The purpose of distinguishing flags and objects: The king carries the banner, the princes carry the flag, the military officials carry the flag, the divisions carry the flag, the villages (sui) [houses] carry the things, the countryside carries the flag, and the officials carry the flag, each writes down its events and spring No. Yan. Others are like Zhenlu. So he used the method of searching (field) in the fields, which caused disadvantages and caused birds to be sacrificed to the evil spirits.
Mid-winter teaching reading. In the early stage, the officials warned the common people to practice warfare. The fields in the fields of the people of Yu are called a watch, one hundred steps is one, three watches are made, and fifty steps are one watch. On the day of Tianzhi, Sima built a flag in the back table, and the officials used flags, drums, gongs and cymbals to command their people. The quality is clear, the flag is broken, and those who come from behind will be punished; the chariots and disciples are all sitting in the chariots, just like the chariots in battle. The officials listened to the oath in front of Chen, beheaded the animals, and paraded them to the left and right, saying: "If you don't want to die, behead him!" The central army ordered the drums with jingling, and the drummers all played three drums. Sima Zhenduo, and the officials set up flags and chariots. All disciples do it. The drums are moving, the gongs are sounding, the chariots and riders are all moving, and they stop when they reach the stage. The three drums, the duo, the officials and the flags, the chariots and the disciples all sat. Three more drums were played to vibrate the duo as flags, and all the charioteers and disciples did so. The drums advance, the gongs sound, the carriages rush forward suddenly, and then stop when they reach the outside. Sit and work as before. Naigu, the car is running on foot, and it stops when it reaches the table. There are three drums, three chariots, and three thorns. Then the drums retreated, the cymbals sounded and then stopped, and then stopped when the expression was reached, and the sitting posture was as before. Then the hunting field was used, and the banner was used as the gate for peace on the left and right. The officials each commanded their chariots and disciples to make peace. The chariots and disciples were arranged on the left and right, and there were Si Pingzhi; Before and after, the dangerous wild people are the main ones, and the easy wild cars are the main ones.
Now that it has been laid out, a chariot is set up to drive away the enemy, with a commander standing in front of it. The central army uses jingling drums, and the drummers all play three drums. The group of commanders, horses, Zhenduo, and chariot disciples all work. Then he drummed and marched in with the coins in his name. The big beast takes it publically, the small beast takes it privately, and the one who gets it takes the left ear. As for the disadvantages, the drums are all terrible, and the chariots and riders are all noisy. It is a disadvantage for disciples to cause poultry and beasts to eat in the suburbs; when they come in, they offer poultry to enjoy?
As well as the division, the army unites to enforce the ban, save the innocent and attack the guilty. If he is a master, he will control his orders, conduct divination, and command the deacons to challenge the master and his weapons. When the time comes, he will build a great place, compete with the army, and punish those who come after him. When it comes to war, patrols will be held to review events and reward and punish them. If the teacher has merit, he will hold the law on the left and hold the yue on the right, and he will be happy to contribute to the society. If the teacher is not successful, he will be bored and follow the master's chariot. When the king pays tribute to the concubines, he will look after them.
In major battles, matters of concern and concern belong to his family, and he accepts his important duties, waiting to be tested and rewarded and punished. If the general assembly is unanimous, then the officials and concubines will be in charge of their political orders. If it shoots big, it will combine with the six couples of the princes. Make a big sacrifice, enjoy the food, shame the fish, and give it to the sacrifice. Great mourning, ordinary scholar-bureaucrat. Funeral sacrifices and horse sacrifices were ordered.
Palm solid: Palm repairing the solid walls, ditches, ponds, and canals, entrusting the officials, concubines, and other concubines to guard them; setting up their ornaments; and dividing their wealth. Use it and eat it lightly. Let all the people use their materials and implements. All those who adhere to the law should accept the law in order to maintain governance. If there is a transfer of armor and its service and finances, it can only be passed; if there is a state-owned commander, it will be praised for its shortcomings. Patrol it three times during the day, and do the same at night. Three nights a day, Zhen gives a warning. If a city is built, it should be governed and consolidated, and its laws should be observed. In the competition between the capitals of all countries, there are ditches and trees, and the same is true in the suburbs. Everyone has a job. If there are mountains and rivers, it is because of them.
Division of Insurance: Master the map of Kyushu, know the obstacles of its mountains, forests, rivers and swamps, and reach its roads. There are five ditches and five valleys in the country, and the forest of trees is considered to be a solid obstruction, and all the roads are guarded to reach it. If the country is owned by a vassal, if it blocks the road and stops the movement, it will be guarded by its subordinates, and only those with integrity can reach it.
Zhi Fang: Control the map of the world to control the land of the world. Distinguish the peoples of their states, including Dubi, Four Barbarians, Eight Barbarians, Seven Mins, Nine Raccoons, Five Rongs, and Six Di, as well as their wealth, nine grains, and six livestock, and know their pros and cons.
It is to distinguish the country of Jiuzhou and make it beneficial to the whole country: the southeast is called Yangzhou, its mountain town is called Kuaiji, its marsh is called Ju District, its rivers are three rivers, its rivers are immersed in five lakes, and its profit is gold, tin, Bamboo and arrows, its people are two men and five women, its livestock are suitable for birds and beasts, and its grain is suitable for rice. Due south is called Jingzhou, its mountain town is called Hengshan, its marsh is called Yunmeng, its rivers and rivers are called Yunmeng, its rivers and lakes are called Yin and Zhan, its pills, silver, teeth and leather are there, its people are one man and two women, its livestock are suitable for birds and beasts , whose grain is suitable for rice. Henan is called Yuzhou, and its mountain town is called Huashan. Its swamps are called Putian, its rivers are Ying and Luo, its water is wet, its forests, lacquer, silk, and eucalyptus are beneficial, its people are two men and three women, its livestock is suitable for six kinds of disturbance, and its grains are suitable for five kinds. Zhengdong is called Qingzhou, Chunshan Town is called Yishan, its Zesou is called Wangzhu, its Sichuan, Huai and Si, its Yi and Mu, its Lipu and Fish, its people are two men and two women, its livestock is suitable for chickens and dogs, its The suitable grains are rice and wheat. The east of the river is called Yanzhou, its mountain town is called Daishan, its marsh is called Daye, its rivers and rivers are called Ji, its rivers and rivers are called Ji, its soaking houses and Wei, its Lipu and fish, its people are two men and three women, its livestock are suitable for six disturbances, and its valleys are suitable for four kind. To the west is called Yongzhou, its mountain town is called Yueshan, its marshes are called Xianpu, its rivers are called Xianpu, its rivers are Jing and Ne, its rivers are soaked in Wei and Luo, its jade is good, its people are three men and two women, its livestock are suitable for cattle and horses, and its grains are suitable Millet, millet. The northeast is called Youzhou, its mountain town is called Yiwulu, its marshes are called Qiyang, its rivers and rivers are called qiyang, its rivers and rivers are good, its disasters and seasons are flooded, its fish and salt are beneficial, its people are one man and three women, and its livestock should be disturbed in all directions. Three types of grains are suitable. Hanoi is called Jizhou, its mountain town is called Huoshan, its marshes are called Suoyu, its Sichuan and Zhangzhou, its Fen and Lu, its pine and cypress trees, its people are five men and three women, its livestock are suitable for cattle and sheep, and its grain is suitable for millet. , Ji. The due north is called Bingzhou, its mountain town is called Hengshan, its marshes are called Zhaoyuqi, its rivers are called Huchi and Wuyi, its rivers are called Lai and Yi, its people are cloth and silk, its people are two men and three women, its animals are suitable for five disturbances, and its people are two men and three women. There are five types of grains suitable.
The country is divided into nine countries. One thousand miles away is called Wang Ji, another five hundred miles away is called Houfu, another five hundred miles away is called Dianfu, and another five hundred miles away is called Nanfu. Fu, another five hundred miles away is called Caifu, another five hundred miles away is called Weifu, another five hundred miles away is called Manfu, another five hundred miles away is called Yifu, and another five hundred miles away is called Yifu. Five hundred miles away is called town service, and five hundred miles away from spring is called vassal service.
If a country is thousands of miles away, if it is a land of 500 miles, then it will be the fourth prince; if it is 400 miles, it will be the six princes; if it is 300 miles, it will be the (seven) [eleven] Bo; the square will be two. A hundred miles away, there are twenty-five sons; a hundred miles away, there are a hundred sons. To know the world. In every country, the small and the big are in harmony with each other. The king sets up his herds and regulates his duties according to his ability; he controls his tribute according to what he has. When the king is patrolling, he will give warnings in all directions, saying: "Everyone repairs and maintains peace, and examination is a duty. No one dares to disrespect the precepts, and the state will severely punish you!" In addition to what the king did, he was the first to lead his subordinates and patrol the precepts. The same is true for Wang Yin.
The sixth chapter of the Winter Official Examination
The Tao family is a sword.
There is half an inch in two inches in Laguang, and half an inch in two inches. Its stem circumference is as wide as its wax, and its length is twice as long. In the middle of its stem, set it behind. Participate and divide the area into two parts, then go and take the first one and surround it with a wide area.
The body is five times as long as the stem, and the weight is nine. Its body is four inches long and its stem is seven inches long. It is called the Zhongzhong system and is worn by sergeants. Its body is three meters long and its stem is five centimeters long. It is said to be under the control, and the corporal officers serve it.
The target is the target.
The arrows are divided into two parts, one is in front and the other two are in the back. Bing Ya and Tian Ya have five points, two in front and three in back. The killing arrow has seven points, three in front and four in back.
The ginseng is divided into its length and one of them is killed. The five-fifth part of its length is used to feather one of them. The thickness of its feathers is the depth of its feathers. of water to distinguish its yin and yang. If the yin and yang are clamped to form the ratio, the ratio is sandwiched to form the feathers, and the feathers are combined to form the blade, then even if there is a strong wind, it will not be frightened. The blade is an inch long, has a circumference of ten inches, and has ten collars, weighing three stacks.
If the front is weak, it will bow down, if the back is weak, it will fly; if the middle is weak, it will be weak, and if the middle is strong, it will rise; if the feathers are full, it will be late, and if the feathers are killed, it will be impatient. Therefore, if you clamp it and shake it, you will regard it as a season of abundant killing; if you press it in a radial position, you will regard it as a great killing.
If they are in conflict with each other, they will push together in the hope of life; if they push together in the same way, they will want to be heavy; if they have the same weight, they will be restrained and sparse; if they are sparse in the same place, they will want to be chestnuts.
The people in the house are the tools of the house.
There are six inches in the six feet of the handle. Shu Changxun is four feet long. Cars and halberds are often used. The spears of chiefs are often four feet long, and those of barbarians are three fathoms long.
No soldier has more than three bodies, and if he has more than three bodies, he will not be able to use them; if he has nothing, he will harm others. Therefore, the troops attacking the country should be short, and the troops defending the country should be long. The people attacking the country have to travel far away, are hungry for food and drink, and are blocked by mountains and forests, so the army wants to be short. The defenders of the country are few in number, have plenty of food and drink, can travel a short distance, and are not obstructed by mountains and forests, so the army wants to be long.
For ordinary soldiers, if you want to be a soldier, you will have no bullets, and if you want to stab a soldier, you will have no bullets. This is the old sentence of "bing 椑", "insert the enemy".
Attack soldiers with the same strength, and be careful when encircling, and adjust the details carefully. The enemy is as strong as the assassins, so he wants to encircle them with force, and he wants to train his people more, and he wants to train people closely, so he invades them.
Everything that is made of silk is divided into five parts of its length, and one part of it is used to surround it. Participate and divide the siege, and go to one to think of the siege of Jin. Five points will lead to the siege, and one will be used as the first siege. All the spears of the chiefs are divided into their lengths, two in front and one in the back to surround them. Take five points of the encirclement and leave one to be considered the encirclement of Jin. Participate in the Shanxi siege, and go to one to think of the thorn siege.
Everything to do when testing the house: place it and shake it to see if it is weak; moxibustion on the walls to see if its radius is even; shake it sideways to see its strength. When the six buildings are ready and the carriages are not turned over, it is called national work.
The bow is a human bow.
The six villages must be taken at the right time. The six materials are gathered together, and those who are skillful can harmonize them.
Those who do it think they are far away. Those with horns are considered to be ill. Those who have tendons. I thought it was deep. Those who are glued together think of harmony. Those who are silk are thought to be solid. Those who use lacquer are thought to be exposed to frost and dew.
"Zhou Rites" is also called "Zhou Guan" or "Zhou Guan Jing". One of the Confucian classics. This is a compilation that collects the systems of various countries from the Zhou Dynasty to the Warring States Period, adds Confucian political thought, and adds or subtracts ratios. Classical scholars believe it was written by Duke Zhou; modern classicists believe it came from the Warring States Period, and some believe it was forged by Liu Xin in the late Western Han Dynasty. Recent people have used the official system contained in the Zhou and Qin bronze inscriptions to verify the political, economic system and academic thoughts in the book, and determined it to be a work of the Warring States Period. The laws and regulations of the Zhou Dynasty recorded in it are also based on evidence and are by no means fictitious.
Duke Zhou, whose birth and death dates are unknown, was a politician in the early Western Zhou Dynasty. His surname was Ji, the younger brother of King Wu of Zhou Dynasty, his given name was Dan, also known as Shu Dan. Because the fiefdom was in Zhou Dynasty (now Qishan, Shaanxi Province), he was called Duke of Zhou in history. He once helped King Wu destroy the Shang Dynasty. After King Wu died, King Cheng was young and he was regent. His brothers Guan Shu, Cai Shu, Huo Shu and others were dissatisfied and joined forces with Wu Geng and the Dongfang Yi tribe to rebel. He went on an eastern expedition, killed Uncle Guan, exiled Uncle Cai, put down the rebellion, and finally completed the Zhou Dynasty's mission of destroying the merchants and built Luoyi (now Luoyang, Henan) as the eastern capital. He made rituals and music, established the laws of the Zhou Dynasty, and for a time the "Chengkang rule" appeared.
. Among them, "Xia Guan Sima" records the army establishment of the Zhou Dynasty, the officer system and its responsibilities, military systems, military training, military exercises (field hunting) and review methods. "Dongguan Sikong" has long been lost. The Han Dynasty supplemented it with "Kaogong Ji" to record the manufacturing of chariots, weapons, equipment, and equipment in the Zhou Dynasty. Therefore, "The Rites of Zhou", especially the "Xia Guan Sima" and "Winter Guan Kao Gong Ji" are important historical materials for studying the military system and weapons and equipment of the Zhou Dynasty. They are military documents on military system and weapon manufacturing in the early period of our country.
1. Records of army establishment
"Xia Guan Sima" records the organization of the ancient army in detail: "When making an army, there are 2,500 soldiers. The king's six armies are divided into three armies: the second army of the minor country and the first army of the small country. The generals are divided into two thousand and five hundred men, and the commanders of the divisions are all senior officers. , the soldiers are all sergeants. The two commanders are sergeants, and the troops are all sergeants. The first army consists of two governors, six commanders, and one hundred disciples. It can be seen that the army of the Zhou Dynasty was organized into six levels: army, division, brigade, pawn, two and five. The military personnel at all levels are: 12,500 corps, 2,500 divisions, 500 brigades, 100 soldiers, 25 corps, and 5 corps. The army was the largest organizational unit of the Zhou Dynasty army. The army had jurisdiction over 5 divisions, the division had jurisdiction over 5 brigades, the brigade had jurisdiction over 5 pawns, the pawns had jurisdiction over 4 liang, and the two corps had jurisdiction over 5 corps. It was basically a five-five organization.
The official system of the ancient army was relatively complicated. "Xia Guan Sima" records 70 official names.
Da Sima is the head of Xia official, one of the six ministers, in charge of military affairs and commanding the army. Xia official's subordinates include Xiao Sima, Jun Sima, Yu Sima, Xing Sima, Sixun, Ma Zhi, Liangren, Xiaozi and Sheepman. , Sijiao, Zhanggu, Sijian, Zhangjiang, Houren, Huanren, Chuhushi, Sheren, Fubushi, Shewushi, Luoshi Zhangwu, Sishi, Zhuzi, Siyou, Hubenshi, Luben clan, Jiefu clan, Fang Xiang clan, Tai servant, minor minister, sacrificial servant, royal servant, servant servant, Bianshi, Si Jia, Si Bing, Si Ge Dun, Si Gong Ya, Jianren, manuscript writer, Rong You, Qi You, Dao You, Dayu, Rong Pu, Qi Pu, Dao Pu, Tian Pu, Yu Fu, School Man, Qu Ma, Wu Ma, Pastor, Shou Ren, Yueshi, Yueren, Zifangshi, There are 69 official names, including Tufang clan, Huaifang clan, Hefang clan, Xunfang clan, Xingfang clan, Shanshi, Chuanshi, Yuanshi, Kuangren, Tanren, Dusima, and Jiasima.
2. Determination of responsibilities at all levels of the army
"Xia Guan Sima" stipulates the responsibilities of officials at all levels of the army in very specific and clear terms. For example, the duties of the Grand Sima stipulate that "the state must be governed by the method of nine attacks: if the weak invade the few, they will be punished; if the traitors harm the people, they will be defeated; if they invade the inner and outer mausoleums, they will be destroyed; if the people are scattered in the wilds, they will be dispersed. If a rebel refuses to obey, then invade it; if a thief kills his relatives, then he is corrected; if he kills his lord, then he is crippled; if he violates the order of the mausoleum, then he is suppressed; if there is internal and external chaos, and birds and beasts roaming around, then he is destroyed." , requires that troops be trained as quickly as possible to improve combat effectiveness. In particular, based on the weather during the farming season, training methods are proposed throughout the year. "Mid-Spring Education Revitalizes Brigades", "Mid-Summer Education Camp", "Mid-Autumn Education and Military Management", and "Mid-Winter Education Parade". Another example is the responsibilities of Zhang Gu, which is stipulated in "Xia Guan Sima" as follows: "In charge of repairing cities, ditches, ponds, and tree canals, entrusting the local commoners and other common people to guard them; setting up their decorations; dividing their finances and use them equally. It's a matter of time. Let the people use their materials and implements. Those who obey the law will be able to maintain the government. If there is a transfer of armor and money to serve, it will be able to pass... If the city is established, it will be consolidated and the law will be observed. The capital of any country is built with ditches and trees, and the same is true for its suburbs." Judging from the fact that Zhanggu's responsibilities include building and maintaining cities, ditches, ponds, and canals, they are similar to the tasks of the engineering corps of the modern army.
3. Requirements for weapon manufacturing
"Dongguan Kao Gong Ji" has detailed records on the manufacturing of weapons. In ancient my country, weapons manufacturing personnel had a strict division of labor. The Ye family was responsible for forging, the Tao family was responsible for making swords, the bow people were responsible for making bows, the chariot people were responsible for making chariots, and the Lu people were responsible for making wooden handles for weapons. wait. The manufacturing requirements are detailed and specific, including the size of the weapon, the quality of the materials, especially for weapons that have been manufactured, and how to inspect them. For example, the requirements for the weapons made by Lu people are as follows: "No soldier has more than three bodies, and if he has more than three bodies, he cannot be used; if he has nothing, he will harm others. Therefore, the troops attacking the country should be short, and the troops defending the country should be long." The hut is the handle of the spear and halberd. "Winter Official Examination of Workers" requires that from the perspective of combat needs, the longest one cannot be three people long. If it is too long, it will not only be inconvenient to use, but also affect other people. So, what length is suitable? "Winter Official Kao Gong Ji" stipulates: "The handle of the handle is six feet long, and the length of the sword is four feet." The finished hut utensils must be inspected. Shake it to see if it is smooth; moxibustion the walls to see if the radials are even; shake it horizontally to see if it is strong. "That is to say, bend, press, and shake methods should be used to check the performance and stability of the wooden handle. Whether the quality meets operational needs.
"The Rites of Zhou" records the rules and regulations of the Pre-Qin Dynasty more than 2,000 years ago. In terms of military affairs, as "Hanshu. Yiwenzhi" praised: "The military strategist is based on the position of the ancient Sima, and the military preparation of the king's officials." Sima is the source of the military strategist and is an important material for studying the ancient military system. However, the idea of ??"fighting according to ritual" embodied in "Zhou Rites" can only be a relic of history, which is not the same as today's flexible strategies and tactics, and requires readers to criticize and absorb it.