During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Zhong Er, the son of the Jin Dynasty, was forced to flee. Hungry and dizzy on the way, the minister meson pushed the meat on his thigh to eat. Later, Zhong Er became Jin Wengong, but the loyal minister was rewarded and the meson push was forgotten. When Zhong Er remembered this, Jiezitui refused to be an official again.
Zhong Er asked Yamakaji to force him out of the mountain, but the meson was never pushed out. He went up the mountain and found himself and his mother burned to death. Therefore, Zhong Er designated the day when Yamakaji was released as Cold Food Festival. The next day, Zhong Er climbed a mountain to pay homage and found that the old willow tree was revived, so he named it "Qingming Willow" and named it Tomb-Sweeping Day.
Customs in Tomb-Sweeping Day:
fly a kite
Flying kites is one of people's favorite activities in Tomb-Sweeping Day. The ancients believed that if someone was sick, they could write down or draw their illness on the kite, tie the kite in the air with a string, let it fly to the sky, cut the cable, and the disease disaster would fly away with the kite. Later, kites gradually developed into a popular outing entertainment.
Worship ancestors and sweep graves
Sacrificing ancestors and sweeping graves is one of the most important ceremonies and the most representative custom in Tomb-Sweeping Day. It is used to remember the deceased relatives and pay homage to the ancestors of the same blood. Someone once said that "pear blossoms reflect poplar trees, which is the place where life and death leave", which should be the best portrayal of ancestor worship and grave sweeping.
Ancient poems related to Tomb-Sweeping Day;
The wasp frequently pounces on the Xiang Qiu rope. It has both time and delicate hands. ? ——? Wu Wenying's "The wind is loose, listening to the wind and rain is clear"
The crow makes the trees faint, and the Qingming cold food cries. ? ——? Bai Juyi's Cold Food and Wild Hope
There is not much cold food, so sell peony first. ? ——? Chao Chongzhi's "Feeling for the Emperor's Grace, Cold Food is Done"
Dream back to the mountain to hide flowers. ? ——? Li Qingzhao's Huanxi Shadan as a Cold Spring Food Day
Tingxuan was lonely and near Qingming, full of wine, and fell ill last year. ? ——? Zhang Xian's "Qing Men Yin Chun Si"