First of all, Wang Anshi and Su Shi, who grew up in the same period, are both famous poets. Therefore, reading and writing is also something they often do, which will hurt their eyes to a certain extent and make them nearsighted.
And Zhu Zhishan, who is a scholar and a famous calligrapher. As a calligrapher, you should always practice your handwriting. If he stared at the font for a long time, his eyes would be greatly affected. Therefore, myopia is normal.
The next one is Ji Yun, a scholar and a taibao of the prince at that time. So as a teacher, he also reads widely. Reading so many books will definitely hurt your eyes. Myopia is normal.
The last one is Guan Yu of the Three Kingdoms. On TV, we often see Guan Yu squinting. He can't shoot an arrow. This is a rare situation as a military commander, so he is likely to suffer from myopia. However, this is also speculation. Historically, he may be nearsighted, but he is not sure.