A gentleman takes a long distance and must wait for it; Be patient when you are older. Ancient sages were all responsible for what they could do, but those who failed to do what they could do were not necessarily guilty of the monarch at that time, or deserved it.
My humble opinion on Jia Sheng, as he said, is far superior to three generations? If you get a gentleman like China, you still have to die. However, there is no Yao and Shun in the world, so you can't do anything. Zhong Ni, who has become the best in the world, would have been able to support him in a few days if the country had no way out. Use it first, then use it. A gentleman wants to do what he wants, so he is diligent. Mencius went to Qi State, stayed for three nights, and then went out for one day. He said, "Wang Shuqi called me several times." A gentleman can't bear to abandon a gentleman, so he is thick. Gong Sunchou asked, "Why didn't your master prepare? Mencius said, "Who can I keep today? "? Why am I not ready? "A gentleman loves his body, so also. You don't have to know that the world is inadequate and promising, but you have no regrets. If Jia Sheng is born, he can't be born outside China or in China.
Fu Jiang Hou personally held the seal of Emperor Tiandi and gave it to Emperor Wendi. He devoted hundreds of thousands of soldiers to decide the men and women of Liu and Lu. They were all old generals. This is the difference between a monarch and a minister. Is it special that father and son are brother and sister? Luoyang teenager Jia Sheng. It is also difficult for it to abandon the old and seek new ones overnight. For Jia Sheng, the superior is the monarch and the subordinate is the minister, such as Jiang and Guan. Make friends with him, let the son of heaven not doubt, the minister be outspoken, and then he will do whatever he wants, but in ten years, he will succeed. Ann has a speech, but she is crying! Seeing him crossing Hunan to pay tribute to Qu Yuan, he was depressed and angry, but he was determined to do something far away. Later, I hurt myself and cried. As for death. It is also not good at dealing with the poor. If one of your husband's plans is useless, then you know it won't be reused. I don't know how to wait for it to change, but I hurt myself. Oh! Jia Shengzhi is big and small, but he has more than enough knowledge.
Ancient people, talented and old, will be tired. Therefore, if you are not a master of intelligence, you can't use them all. It has been said in ancient and modern times that Fu Jian won Wang Meng in the grass, and once he ousted an old minister, he was very welcome. Her husband is half the world, so it's an honor! Fools are deeply saddened by the ambition of life, so get ready. Let a person be Jia Sheng's minister, and then know that he has the practice of introducing others. If he doesn't use it, he will be sad and sick and can't recover. For Jia sheng, I am also willing to send it! Be careful about what you are doing, you need to be talented, and you need to wait patiently to give full play to your talent.
Jia Yi (former 200- former 168) was born in Luoyang (now east of Luoyang, Henan). Political commentator and writer in the early years of the Western Han Dynasty. When I was young, I was famous for my poems. Later, he was used by Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty to advocate reform and was demoted as the teacher of King Changsha (because King Changsha was not favored by Emperor Wen at that time, he was demoted). Later, he was appointed as the teacher of Liang Huaiwang. King Huai of Liang fell off a horse and died of self-injury and grief. Jia Sheng: Jia Yi. Confucian scholars in the Han Dynasty were called "students", such as Jia Sheng and Dong Sheng (Dong Zhongshu).
Jia Yi, a gifted scholar, died of depression. Most predecessors cherished Jia Sheng's talent and denounced Wendy's ignorance. For example:
Li Shangyin (Jia Sheng): "In the propaganda room, I asked for a virtuous person to visit my minister, and Jia Sheng was even more incoherent. Poor midnight is unprecedented, and Mo Wen people ask ghosts and gods. (Xuan room: the main room of the front hall of Weiyang Palace in Chang 'an, Western Han Dynasty, referring to the court of Han Dynasty. )
However, Su Shi refuted the affirmation of many historians and scholars on Jia Yi's lack of talents since Historical Records, criticized Jia Yi from his own point of view, and analyzed the inevitability of Jia Yi's tragedy.
To annotate ...
1. What you take, what you get: refers to your achievements.
2. Capable talents: talents who can achieve a career and ambition. To mean achievement.
3. Jia Sheng Theory: refers to the "public security policy" put forward by Jia Yi to Emperor Wen of Han Dynasty.
4. Tian: Qi place name, in Linzi, Shandong Province today. Mencius was once a minister of Qi. Later, when he saw that the King of Qi could not be king, he resigned and left. But he stayed in the state of Qi for three days, hoping to wait for the King of Qi to repent and call him back to the DPRK. See Mencius, Gongsun Chou.
5. Yu: Happy. Yu Chong, a disciple of Mencius, was mistaken by Su Shi for Gong Sunchou.
"Mencius. "Ugly Sun": Mencius went to Qi, and when he was in danger, he asked, "Master, if anything happens. The day before yesterday, I heard the masters say, "A gentleman never complains. > >: > > > > > >. Within 500 years, there will be kings, and there will be celebrities among them. From Zhou, more than 700 years old, with its number, it has passed; You can do it if you test it at the right time. Husbands don't want to rule the world; If you want to rule the world, who can you give me? Why am I not ready? 」
6. Husband Jiang Hou holds the emperor's seal: Jiang Hou, minister of the early Han Dynasty Zhou Bo. Liu Heng, the emperor of China, was the second son of Liu Bang, who was named acting king from the beginning. After Lv Hou's death, Zhu Lu wanted to usurp Liu's world, so Liu Bang's old ministers, led by Zhou Bo, Chen Ping and Guan Ying, condemned Zhu Lu and made Liu Heng emperor. When Liu Heng returned to Beijing and passed the Weihe Bridge, Zhou Bo knelt down to him with the seal of the Emperor.
7. When Zhu Lu made an insurrection, King Ai Qi heard the news and sent troops to make a crusade. Lu Lu and others sent Guan Ying to meet them. After Guan Ying led the troops to Xingyang (now Xingyang, Henan Province), he did not attack the King of Qi, but conspired with Zhou Bo and others to station troops in Xingyang, make peace with the State of Qi and cheer for the King of Qi. Zhou bo, etc. The King of Qi punished Lv Hou and then withdrew his troops and went home. Guan Ying returned to Chang 'an, and established Wendi with Zhou Bo and Chen Ping.
8. leisurely and carefree. Impregnation (ㄗ), the appearance gradually penetrates. Long immersion: slowly, gradually penetrate.
9. Abrupt: adverb, fast, sudden, impatient. Refers to what Jia Yi said in the preface to public security policy; "What I stole was the situation. It could be one crying, two crying and six breathing too much. 」
10. Depression: ㄩㄩˋ, grievance is depression. Ran Ran: A detached expression. Holding high, originally meant to fly high, is a metaphor for retirement here.
1 1. Tired and worried. There is bound to be a legacy: it is bound to be outdated and lead to difficulties.
12. Fu Jian: King of Qin before Jin Dynasty. Wang Meng: The word Jinglue, who lived in seclusion in Huashan for the first time, was called by Fu Jian as assistant minister of Chinese books.
13. After Wang Meng was put into use, he was favored by Fu Jian and was promoted repeatedly. He was very influential at home and abroad, and was opposed by the old minister and Bao. Fu Jian was furious and dismissed the two men, so he took them all up and down (see Biography of the Book of Jin and Wang Mengchuan).
14. Male: Fu Jian. Ellipsis: grasp. At that time, the former Qin dynasty tied the pack, occupied the northern part of China and confronted the Eastern Jin Dynasty, so it was said to be "slightly half the country".
15.⑽ (ㄐㄩㄢˋ) Jie: aloof, upright and inconsistent.
16. Sick: sleepy and depressed. (j incarnation): A depressing move.
17. law: generally refers to the world, that is, the so-called talent for personal use.