Everyone hung up, and his father said, "Why isn't this a blessing?" After living for several months, his horse returned to Hu. Everyone congratulated him, and his father said, "Why can't this be a disaster?" The family is rich and good, and the son is easy to ride, but he broke his stomach.
Everyone hung up, and his father said, "Why isn't this a blessing?" After living for a year, the Hu people entered the fortress, and the Dingzhuang people played with strings. The man near the fort, the deceased was nineteen.
This alone is lame. Father and son protect each other. Among the people living near the border, there is a man who is proficient in mathematics. Their horses ran to the residence of the Hu people for no reason.
People began to sympathize with him. The old man said, "Why can't this be a good thing?" After a few months, the horse came back with the good horse of the conference semifinals.
People come to congratulate their families. The old man said, "How can this not be a bad thing?" There are many good horses in his family. His son likes riding horses, and as a result, he fell off his horse and broke his thigh.
People come to comfort their families. The old man said, "Why can't this be a good thing?" After a year, the Hu people invaded the border area in a big way, and all the mature men took up bows and arrows to fight.
Most people near the border are dead. Only this man was saved from fighting because of his lame leg, and his father and son were saved.
2. The old man's version of ancient prose, the old man's version, and the second version of the people who approached the fortress had good skills, and the horse died for no reason. Everyone hung up, and his father said, "Why isn't this a blessing?" After living for several months, his horse returned to Hu. Everyone congratulated him, and his father said, "Why can't this be a disaster?" The family is rich and good, and the son is easy to ride, but he broke his stomach. Everyone hung up, and his father said, "Why isn't this a blessing?" After living for a year, the Hu people entered the fortress, and the Dingzhuang people played with strings. The man near the fort, the deceased was nineteen. This alone is lame. Father and son protect each other.
Among the people living near the frontier fortress, there is a person who is good at speculating good and bad luck and mastering several tricks. Once, his horse ran to the residence of the Hu people for no reason. People came to comfort him for this. The old man said, "Why can't this be a blessing?" A few months later, the lost horse came back with the good horse of the Hu people. People came to congratulate him. The old man added, "Why can't this be a disaster?" There are many good horses in the fortune teller's house. His son likes riding horses, and as a result, he fell off his horse and broke his thigh. People began to sympathize with him. The old man said, "Why can't this be a blessing?" A year later, the Hu people invaded the frontier fortress on a large scale, and all the able-bodied men took up arms to fight. Many people died near the frontier fortress. The man was saved in the battle only because he was lame, and the father and son saved their lives together.
3. The answer to reading "A blessing in disguise" in classical Chinese is 1. Translate the meaning of the following words: all: this: ju 1. Hu: Hu people (where they live) are all: Du; Duzhe: pronoun Juju: stop; Rest; Stop and go home: 19: 9/ 10. 2. Divide the article into different levels. A: Those who are close to the edge are good at it, and the horse dies for no reason. Everyone hung on it, and his father said, "Why isn't this a blessing?" After living for several months, his horse returned to Hu. Everyone congratulated him, and his father said, "Why can't this be a disaster?" /The family has money and a good horse, and the son is easy to ride. He broke his ankle when he fell. Everyone hung him up, and his father said, "Why isn't this a blessing?" /After living for a year, Mr. Hu entered the cottage and Ding Zhuang played with the strings. Those people near the fortress died 19 people. This is the only reason why they are lame. 3. Summarize the main content of classical Chinese with an idiom. An old frontiersman loses his horse—a blessing in disguise. Talk about the inspiration from this fable in real life. A: The transformation of blessing and misfortune requires certain conditions, and it cannot be misunderstood that the transformation of blessing and misfortune is inevitable. This is a curse. However, if we can struggle and rise calmly in the predicament, it is still a valuable spiritual wealth. Of course, if you are depressed, lose confidence or even lose the courage to live in a difficult situation, this curse can only be a curse. Therefore, we should pay attention to the conditions of transformation. 5. Translate the following sentence (1). People near the border. Their horses ran to the residence of the conference semifinals for no reason. This is the only reason why father and son are lame. Only when the man is lame (free from fighting) can the father and son save their lives.
4. The source of the author's classical Chinese is Huainanzi. Human training. " Idiom story: During the Warring States Period, near the northern border town, there lived an old man named Sai Weng. Sai Weng keeps many horses. One day, one of his horses suddenly lost. When the neighbors heard about it, they all came to comfort him and advised him not to worry too much. When he is old, he pays more attention to his health. Sai Weng saw someone comforting him. Maybe it will bring some good luck. "The neighbor listened to Sai Weng's words and felt very funny. Losing the horse is obviously a bad thing, but he thinks it may be a good thing, obviously just comforting himself. A few days later, the lost horse not only went home automatically, but also brought back a beautiful Xiongnu horse. When the neighbors heard about it, they admired Sai Weng's foresight and said to him, "You still have foresight. The horse was not lost, but you congratulated him. What a blessing! " Sai Weng listened to his neighbor's congratulations, but he was not happy at all. He said anxiously, "A good horse for nothing is not necessarily a blessing, but it may cause some trouble." Neighbors think his posturing is purely the cunning of the elderly. He was obviously happy and deliberately kept it quiet. Sai Weng has an only son who likes riding horses very much. He found that the horse he brought back was very handsome and had long hooves. I can tell at a glance that it is a good horse. He rides out every day, and his heart is full of pride. One day, he was so happy that he couldn't beat the horse and ran away. He tripped, fell off his horse and broke his leg. When the neighbors heard about it, they came to offer their condolences. "It's nothing," said Sai Weng. "It's a blessing that you can save your life after breaking your leg. "Neighbors thought he was talking nonsense again. Sai Weng's son can't join the army because he broke his leg. All the young men who joined the army died, except Sai Weng's son. People close to the fort are skilled and horses are invincible. They hanged him, and his father said, "Why not be blessed?" After living for several months, his horse returned to Hu. Everyone congratulated him, and his father said, "Why can't this be a disaster? "There is money and a good horse at home, and my son is good to ride. Everyone hung him up, and his father said, "Why isn't this a blessing? "In the frontier for a year, the conference semifinals into the frontier, Ding Zhuang fight with strings. Nineteen people died in the one near the frontier fortress. Because he is limping, father and son support each other. Among the people living near the frontier fortress, there is a person who is good at speculating good or bad and mastering the tricks. Once, his horse ran to the residence of the Hu people for no reason. People came to comfort him for this. The old man said, "Why isn't this a blessing? "A few months later, the lost horse came back with the good horse of the conference semifinals. People came to congratulate him. The old man said, "How can this not be a disaster? "There are many good horses in the fortune teller's house. His son loved riding, and as a result, he fell off his horse and broke his thigh. People came to express their condolences to him. The old man said, "why can't this be a blessing?" "After a year, the conference semifinals invaded the frontier fortress on a large scale, and the able-bodied men took up arms and fought. Nine out of ten people near the frontier fortress are dead. The man was only saved from World War I because of his lame leg, and the father and son saved their lives together. Give me extra points after listening to so much.
5. People's Education Edition junior middle school Chinese must recite ancient poems and classical Chinese mp3 People's Education Edition Unit 1 5. Childlike interest (divine gift) Unit 2 10. The Analects of Confucius Unit 10 15. Five ancient poems: Watching the sea (Cao Cao) and the next berth on Beibao Mountain (Wang Wan) and a spring tour of Qiantang Lake (Bai Juyi) Xijiang River. Unit 5 in Shancheng (Pu Songling) Unit 25, Two Poems about Snow in Shi Shuo Xin Yu Chen Taiqiu and Unit 6 in Friendship Period Unit 30 * Fable Four Wise Children Suspected Neighbors, Saiweng Lost His Horse Education Edition Grade 7 Volume 2 Complete Works of Classical Chinese Translation Unit 1 5, Injury (Wang Anshi) Unit 2 10, Mulan Poetry Unit 31. Kuafu's Two Essays of Shan Hai Jing. Liezi, two children are arguing about Japanese books, but now they have been replaced by workers in Unit 6 of * * * Mountain. They are angry and can't touch them well. * Wolf (Pu Songling) People's Education Edition Grade 8 Volume I Complete Works of Classical Chinese Translation Unit 5 2 1 Unit Peach Blossom Garden (Tao Yuanming) 22. The Story of the Nuclear Ship (Wei Xueyi) 24. A trip to the Avenue (Book of Rites) 25. Three poems by Du Fu, Full Moon and Stone Trench Unit 6, Unit 26. Three Gorges (Li Daoyuan) 27. Two short essays, Thanks to Zhongshu (Tao Hongjing), Night Tour to Chengtian Temple (Su Shi) 28, Tide Watching (Careful) 29, Ting Guanxue (Zhang Dai), Gui Yuan (Tao Yuanming), Zhu (Wang Wei), Seeing Friends Off at Jingmen Ferry (Li Bai), Complete Translation of Eighth Grade Classical Chinese by Yellow Crane Tower People's Education Edition Unit 5 2 1. Five poems were paid for the first time in Lotte Yangzhou (Liu Yuxi), Chibi (Du Mu), Wen Tianxiang (When is the bright moon) (Su Shi), Mountain Slope Sheep Tongguan Nostalgia (Zhang), Unit 6, Xiaoshitang (Liu Zongyuan), Yueyang Tower (Fan Zhongyan), Zuiweng Pavilion. Five Drinks (Part II) (Tao Yuanming) Difficult to Go (Part I) (Li Bai) The thatched cottage was broken by the autumn wind (Du Fu) A song "Farewell to the White Snow in the Field-Clerk Wu Going Home () Ji Hai's Miscellaneous Poems (Gong Zizhen) People's Education Edition Volume I" Complete Works of Classical Chinese "Translation Unit 6, 2 1, aristocratic family Five-word Wang Jiangnan (Wen) Jiangchengzi Mizhou Hunting (Su Shi) Fisherman Ao (Fan Zhongyan) broke the battle, and presented Zhuang Ci Chen Tongfu (Xin Qiji) Wuling Chun (Li Qingzhao) People's Education Edition, Volume II, Complete Works of Classical Chinese Translation, Unit 5, 17, Mozi 18. Die in Anle 19, Fish I Want, Mencius 20, Zhuangzi, two stories about Keiko, Xiang Liang Zhuangzi and Keiko swimming in Haoliang Unit 6 2 1, Cao Gui debating Zuo Zhuan 22, Zou Ji satirizing Wang Qi coachable's Warring States policy 23, Gong Yu's Yi Shan Liezi 24, and The Book of Songs.
6. The old saying in China, "A blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise", is an allegorical story. Human training.
This shows Laozi's view that "misfortune is a blessing, and happiness is a blessing". There is a saying in Ban Gu's "Tongyou Fu" in the Eastern Han Dynasty that "Bei Zuo knows his leaning", which shows his meaning.
There lived an old man near the frontier fortress. Old people are proficient in numerology and are good at predicting the past and the future.
On one occasion, an old man's horse broke free for no reason (probably a mare) and ran to the place where the conference semifinals lived. Neighbors came to comfort him, and he knew it well and said calmly, "Isn't this a blessing?" A few months later, the lost horse suddenly went home again, with a good horse of the conference semifinals.
The neighbors all came to congratulate his family when they heard about it. The old man was indifferent and said calmly, "Isn't such a thing a disaster?" The old man's livestock has raised many good horses, and his son is martial and likes riding horses.
One day, his son rode a fierce horse to practice riding and shooting in the wild. The fierce horse lost control, threw his son heavily on his back and broke his thigh, which became a lifelong disability. When the neighbors heard about it, they came to offer their condolences.
The old man said calmly, "Isn't this a blessing?" Another year passed, and the conference semifinals invaded the border and entered the fortress. All the able-bodied men in the four townships and eight neighbors were drafted into the army and took up arms to participate in the war. There are countless casualties.
Residents near the frontier fortress, with ten rooms and nine vacant rooms, were all killed in the war. Only the old man's son didn't go to war because of his lame disability.
Therefore, the father and son can live and spend the rest of their lives together. Therefore, blessings can be turned into disasters, and disasters can also be turned into blessings.
This change is unfathomable and no one can predict it. Song Weitai's Dong Xuanlu? The third secretary said that the city was easy to lose, and the state of Lu paid tribute. A blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise. If this snake is broken, the State of Chu will be blessed.
Lu You's poem "Chang 'an Street" says: "It is a dream for the judge to divide the deer, and it is a blessing in disguise." Later, it developed into "a blessing in disguise, how to know it is not a blessing" and "a blessing in disguise, how to know it is not a curse", which frequently appeared in literary works or daily spoken language, or used to illustrate the impermanence of things, or to metaphor that disasters can be blessed and bad things can be turned into good things.
Everything is constantly developing and changing. Good things and bad things, the opposite sides of this contradiction, are transformed into their own opposite directions under certain conditions.
7. The original and translation of "Acebon Lost his Horse" The man near the fort had extraordinary skills and the horse was invincible, and he died in Hu.
Everyone hung up, and his father said, "Why isn't this a blessing?" After living for several months, his horse returned to Hu. Everyone congratulated him, and his father said, "Why can't this be a disaster?" The family is rich and good, and the son is easy to ride, but he broke his stomach.
Everyone hung up, and his father said, "Why isn't this a blessing?" After living for a year, the Hu people entered the fortress, and the Dingzhuang people played with strings. The man near the fort, the deceased was nineteen.
This alone is lame. Father and son protect each other. One of the people living near the frontier fortress is good at guessing good or bad luck and mastering the tricks.
Once, his horse ran to the residence of the Hu people for no reason. People came to comfort him for this.
The old man said, "Why can't this be a blessing?" A few months later, the lost horse came back with the good horse of the Hu people. People came to congratulate him.
The old man added, "Why can't this be a disaster?" There are many good horses in the fortune teller's house. His son likes riding horses, and as a result, he fell off his horse and broke his thigh. People began to sympathize with him.
The old man said, "Why can't this be a blessing?" A year later, the Hu people invaded the frontier fortress on a large scale, and all the able-bodied men took up arms to fight. Nine out of ten people near the frontier fortress died.
The man was saved in the battle only because he was lame, and the father and son saved their lives together. "A blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise" is an allegorical story, including "Huainanzi? Human training.
This shows Laozi's view that "misfortune is a blessing, and happiness is a blessing". There is a saying in Ban Gu's "Tongyou Fu" in the Eastern Han Dynasty that "Bei Zuo knows his leaning", which shows his meaning.
There lived an old man near the frontier fortress. Old people are proficient in numerology and are good at predicting the past and the future.
On one occasion, an old man's horse broke free for no reason (probably a mare) and ran to the place where the conference semifinals lived. Neighbors came to comfort him, and he knew it well and said calmly, "Isn't this a blessing?" A few months later, the lost horse suddenly went home again, with a good horse of the conference semifinals.
The neighbors all came to congratulate his family when they heard about it. The old man was indifferent and said calmly, "Isn't such a thing a disaster?" The old man's livestock has raised many good horses, and his son is martial and likes riding horses.
One day, his son rode a fierce horse to practice riding and shooting in the wild. The fierce horse lost control, threw his son heavily on his back and broke his thigh, which became a lifelong disability. When the neighbors heard about it, they came to offer their condolences.
The old man said calmly, "Isn't this a blessing?" Another year passed, and the conference semifinals invaded the border and entered the fortress. All the able-bodied men in the four townships and eight neighbors were drafted into the army and took up arms to participate in the war. There are countless casualties.
Residents near the frontier fortress, with ten rooms and nine vacant rooms, were all killed in the war. Only the old man's son didn't go to war because of his lame disability.
Therefore, the father and son can live and spend the rest of their lives together. Therefore, blessings can be turned into disasters, and disasters can also be turned into blessings.
This change is unfathomable and no one can predict it. Song Weitai's Dong Xuanlu? The third secretary said that the city was easy to lose, and the state of Lu paid tribute. A blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise. If this snake is broken, the State of Chu will be blessed.
Lu You's poem "Chang 'an Street" says: "It is a dream for the judge to divide the deer, and it is a blessing in disguise." Later, it developed into "a blessing in disguise, how to know it is not a blessing" and "a blessing in disguise, how to know it is not a curse", which frequently appeared in literary works or daily spoken language, or used to illustrate the impermanence of things, or to metaphor that disasters can be blessed and bad things can be turned into good things.
Everything is constantly developing and changing. Good things and bad things, the opposite sides of this contradiction, are transformed into their own opposite directions under certain conditions.
8. In classical Chinese, the first line is "A blessing in disguise, how can you know that it is not a blessing", and the second line is "Maybe it is also a blessing, and fortunes can be exchanged."
The use of rhetorical questions in the third space has the advantage of strengthening language potential. Among the people living near the frontier fortress, there is a person who is good at speculating good and bad luck and mastering several tricks.
Once, his horse ran to the residence of the Hu people for no reason. People came to comfort him for this.
The old man said, "Why can't this be a blessing?" A few months later, the lost horse came back with the good horse of the Hu people. People came to congratulate him.
The old man added, "Why can't this be a disaster?" There are many good horses in the fortune teller's house. His son likes riding horses, and as a result, he fell off his horse and broke his thigh. People began to sympathize with him.
The old man said, "Why can't this be a blessing?" A year later, the Hu people invaded the frontier fortress on a large scale, and all the able-bodied men took up arms to fight. Nine out of ten people near the frontier fortress died.
The man was saved in the battle only because of his lame leg, and both father and son saved their lives.