How to remember chemical element symbols skillfully

Attached is the chemical element symbol song, please enjoy it

Chemical element symbol song (1)

Element symbols have reasons,

The Latin name starts with the prefix;

The first letter should be capitalized,

The appended letter should be lowercase.

Compare carbon C, copper Cu,

N nitrogen, P phosphorus, S sulfur;

Si silicon and oxygen are O,

Aluminum A1, lead Pb;

Ba barium, tungsten W,

Ag is silver, Zn zinc;

I iodine, K potassium, Br bromine,

H is hydrogen, U is uranium;

Fe, Na,

Mg, Ca;

Hg, Au,

Sn, Sb; < /p>

Chlorine Cl, diamond Co,

Element symbols must be memorized.

Chemical Element Symbol Song (2)

(Foreign languages ??follow English Letter pronunciation)

Carbon is C, phosphorus is P,

The symbol for lead is Pb.

Cu copper, Ca calcium,

< p>The symbol of tungsten is W.

H hydrogen, S sulfur,

The symbol of silicon is Si.

Gold Au, silver Ag,

< p>The symbol of magnesium is Mg.

Sodium Na, neon Ne,

The symbol of mercury is Hg.

Boron is B, barium Ba,

The symbol of iron is Fe.

Zinc Zn, manganese Mn,

The symbol of tin is Sn.

Potassium is K, iodine is I,


The symbol of fluorine is F.

Oxygen is O, nitrogen is N,

The symbol of bromine is Br.

Al aluminum, Cl Chlorine,

The symbol of antimony, Sb.

Song of common element symbol names (3)

(can be read while writing)

(Write) C H O N Cl S P, (Read) Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen Chloride Phosphorus.

(Write) K Ca Na Mg Al FeZn, (Read) Potassium Calcium Sodium Magnesium Aluminum Iron Zinc.

(write) Br I Mn Ba Cu Hg Ag, (read) bromine iodine manganese barium copper mercury silver.

(write) Sb Si Sn Pb W and Au, (read) antimony silicon tin lead Tungsten and gold.

In addition: It is a better method to use the "rhyme memory method" to remember the symbols and names of elements. For example (one of the rhymes):

Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Chlorine Sulfur, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, aluminum, iron, zinc, copper, mercury, barium, gold, and helium

C H O Cl S P, K Ca Mg Al Fe Zn Cu HgBa Au, He

Neon, argon, fluorosilicone .

Ne Ar F Si