Lord We Know Deeply is a Christian song. Christian music is an important part of Christian religious ceremonies. These songs praising God were originally accompanied by musical instruments, such as harp, harp, cymbals and horns.
There are four schools of plain Song (also called hymns) in western churches: Ambrose Song named after Bishop San Ambrose of Milan, Gaul plain Song of French Church, Mosala Bryan Song of Spanish Church and Gregory plain Song named after Pope Gregory I. After the 8th century, Gregory plain Song became the highest standard of western church songs.
Christian song recommendation
Jesus loves me is a Christian hymn written by Anna bartlett Warner. Once released, this song became the most popular Christian hymn in churches all over the world. Whitney also covered this song on 1992 and included it in the bodyguard album. She also sang this wonderful hymn on many occasions.
The most beautiful blessing in my life is a Mandarin song written by Li Xinyi, composed by Yu Sandy and sung by Stream Of Praise Music Department. This song is also a popular contemporary Christian song.