Wang Zhihuan has left many classic stories to the world, the most famous of which is A Pavilion with a Flag. At that time, it was snowing heavily, which was a good scene for poets to recite poems, while Wang Zhihuan met his friends Gao Shi and Wang Changling for drinking.
The three of them came to the restaurant together, which coincided with the performance of four singers in the restaurant, so they proposed to see whose poems the four singers sang, so as to see who was the most famous among the three. The first singer stood up and sang loudly. That's Wang Changling's "Two Farewells to the Lotus Inn". Wang Changling suddenly cheered up and had a drink.
After the first singer finished singing, it was the second, so everyone heard Gao Shi crying for his single father, Liang Jiushaofu. This time it was Gao Shi's turn to be happy, and Wang Zhihuan's heart began to itch. Then the third singer sang five songs of Wang Changling's Long Letter in Autumn. Wang Changling was so happy that he couldn't find the north. He began to tease Wang Zhihuan: You can't do this. This is not your poem.
Wang Zhihuan replied, it doesn't matter. You need to know what kind of songs a singer can sing. You see, the first three poems are not beautiful, and the fourth one must be my poem.
Indeed, the fourth singer won everyone's cheers as soon as she appeared. She began to dance and sing Wang Zhihuan's Liangzhou words: Why should a strong flute complain about the willow? The spring breeze is just like Yumenguan.
Besides, there is one thing that Wang Zhihuan is well known and admired by the world, that is, when he was in his fifties, eighteen-year-old Li took a fancy to him and was impressed by his talent. After marriage, they lived a happy life.