2, advise you not to cherish golden clothes, advise you to cherish youth. When the flowers should be folded, we should fold them quickly, and don't wait for the flowers to wither before folding one. Du Qiuniang, clothes by the water.
3, 36,000 days, every night is a candle. How short the day is, how easy the sea is for a hundred years-(Tang? Li Bai)
4. Teenagers are easy to get old, and an inch of time is not light. I can't feel the dream of spring grass in the pond, and the leaves in front of the steps have fallen in autumn (Song? Zhu)
5, once you encounter efforts, the stars are around. The mountains and rivers are broken and the wind is floating, and life experiences are ups and downs. The beach of fear says fear, and there is a sigh in the ocean. Who hasn't died since ancient times? Keep the Heart of Dan Shining on History —— Wen Tianxiang in Crossing the Ocean of Dingding