Please ask for a Japanese translation. I can probably translate the story, no need to translate every word. There are supplementary points, try not to make grammatical mistakes

Wen くところによると, Later Han Dynasty に, Ruhe の Epidemic Demon と, それがappear れると, 家に人がfall れて, 日ある人が明をfall とすと,このあたりの The common people are ravaged by diseases and diseases. The epidemic has taken away the relatives of Huan Jing in the bright years, and the disease has caused the loss of life. The Queen of Quankuai, the wife of the wife and the husband of the field, the scholar of the immortal, the scholar of the immortal, and the disease of the people. 桓京あちこちvisiting the master シークWhere to return to the famous mountain masters in various places, ついに文き出しEastern 1 base and the oldest の山, 山には法力无limitの仙长 danger険をphobicれず, 桓京と道のFarawayく, and crane Guide かれ, やっと见つけたあの高い山, 见つけたあの不思愿マナの仙长仙长,                 , そしHe taught me the art of subduing demons and swords, and taught him the art of subduing demons. The demon treasure sword is given as a gift. Huan Jing sleeps and eats, forgets the practice, and practices the practice.

した」 . The immortal sent a pack of dogwood leaves, a cup of chrysanthemum wine, a secret instruction from the sage on how to ward off evil spirits, and a sage from the home of the sencho.

Huan Jing's は郷里に帰って, September 9th day of the lunar month, 仙长の年を気し Charge しをもらえた村人たちは near くの山にDelivery して, 1 person, 1 slice and 1 cup of dogwood Leaves, chrysanthemum wine, preparation for conquering demons. 日ごろにつれて, why return to wild times る, the epidemic demon を escapes from the Ruhe River が, the epidemic demon just rushes down the mountain, suddenly いつもひとしきりFragrance of dogwood と chrysanthemum wine ガス, suddenly standing ちstop まって, color は変Shi Huanjing's Demon-Subduing Treasure Sword, Hand, Chase, Mountain から下りてきて, をthorn しkill し热魔剣で, それから The ninth mountain in early September is the custom of climbing って to avoid the epidemic けるる every year.

それから人々をDouble Ninth Festival, Double Ninth Festival, customs and disasters, and activities to avoid disasters.

また, the Chinese people’s traditional thoughts, the 29th longevity, the meaning of health and longevity, and later the 1989 Double Ninth Festival, the day for the elderly...