Only ten years after Qin Shihuang unified the world, he visited the east coast. This is not the need of government affairs, but because of his interest in the eastern islands. Some scholars once said: "The purpose of Ying Zheng's eastward tour is to open up territory to help wood one day, while Ying Zheng once said in" Langya Stone Carving ":"If you travel all over the world, you will win. Some musical instruments, the same textbooks. The sun shines on the moon and the boat. They are all proud of it all their lives. "West involves quicksand and south involves north." The East China Sea is in the east and summer is in the north. Where there are people, there are no ministers. "
As can be seen from the above, in fact, Qin Shihuang had long planned to annex the eastern islands, and sending Xu Fudong to cross the river may be related to this matter.
According to Records of the Historian, Qin Shihuang sent Xu Fudong to Japan many times in search of an elixir of life. So, what is the real reason for Xu Fudong's crossing? Some people say that Xu Fudong traveled across Japan in search of an elixir of life. In fact, he also crossed Japan to expand the eastern territory, and the ideal of the king of Qin was also mentioned in Lv Chunqiu.
And "supporting wood" is now Japan. It can be seen that the purpose of Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng is not so simple.