The swordsmen of Zhao are dotted with tassels at will, and their swords are as bright as Shuang Shuang. The silver saddle and the white horse set each other off and galloped. Within ten steps, kill one person, cross a thousand miles, leave no one behind. After you finish, brush off your clothes, don't show any sound, and hide in the depths. Sometimes when I'm free, I walk through the county town, have a drink, and cross my sword over my knees. Eat meat with the sea and drink with Hou Ying in a big bowl. Three cups of spit, five mountains are light. After drinking, my eyes were dizzy and energetic, and the rainbow was swallowed up by the air. When Zhao was captured, the soldiers and civilians in the city were frightened. Qian Qiu two strong men, now river daliang city. As a knight, the death of chivalrous bone is also fragrant, and it is worthy of being a hero. Who can close the book, Bai Shoutai Xuan Jing.
From childhood to adulthood, the poems we read the most should be Li Bai's. Li Bai is also called "Poet Fairy". Perhaps in the impression of many people, he is a free and unrestrained poet who likes to drink and travel around the world. But in fact, Li Bai is also a free and unrestrained person. He doesn't want to be bound by the rules of this world, so he often plays, and then writes poems about what he saw and felt on the road to the world. And his most domineering song is "Chivalrous Man".
In a short poem, the image of a chivalrous man is vivid, and the most domineering thing is this sentence: "Kill one person in ten steps and stay a thousand miles." Ten steps can kill one person, and no one can beat him within a thousand miles. You can see between the lines that it is full of murderous look, and this sentence is superb fencing. The following sentence "Take off your clothes and hide your fame" is deeply loved by the world. Now many people like to use this sentence, which can't help but make people wonder!
Many people may only say "make a name for yourself", but I'm afraid I don't know which poem Li Bai wrote. Li Bai's poems are very comfortable to read, and I believe everyone feels the same way. I have to admire his talent. What's your comment on this poem?
The pictures and texts come from the Internet. If you have any questions, please contact us.
This article comes from the official account of WeChat WeChat: Love Story of the Book of Songs.