The speech on the May 4th Youth Day 100 was short.

The comrades present here today are all young people! I think some older comrades are still wondering whether they are young or not. Think about it after I finish my speech. You must feel like a mature young man. If our youth league branch invites you to attend this symposium to celebrate the May 4th Movement carefully and sincerely, then you must be a young man. What is youth? I looked up a lot of information, and there is no exact definition from medicine and sociology. In order to make this seminar a success, I must first define myself: young people should be people with noble sentiments, strong work energy, scientific mind and dedication to society and people at all times. Some people will refute my definition of youth from a medical point of view, thinking that the scope of this definition is too large. Is a 60-year-old young man? I think if he meets the above conditions, he should be an excellent young man. If a talent is 20 years old, he is in a daze all day, doing nothing and not motivated, do you think he is young or old? All of you here are young people, because our youth league branch is cautious and I am sincere. I invite all young comrades to discuss it. Talk openly and democratically about our life, work and values. Young people should have noble sentiments and lofty world outlook, which is very important in today's complex world. Many people get lost because of their infatuation with money or other things, so they get old before they get old. Looking back 90 years ago today, a group of young people in China gave their lives and shed their blood for the destiny of the country and the prosperity of the nation, which set an example for our future generations and inspired our young people to devote themselves to the vigorous patriotic movement. Until modern times, a group of mature revolutionaries with scientific minds achieved great victory in the socialist revolution after nearly 30 years of struggle. Young people should arm their minds with science. I want to correct the wrong idea here. With higher education and bachelor's degree, they have scientific minds? Don't! A scientific mind should have a scientific way of thinking. Constantly understand our society, so as to lead the people to transform the bad factors that hinder the development of productive forces and human development in our society. Young people should have a good sense of social and historical responsibility. A great man once said that the world is yours and ours, and ultimately yours. I don't think this great man has the psychological age of a young man at this time. As young people, we should say, "The world is theirs, ours and ultimately ours." We have such a beautiful world, let's eat it as beer bread, no! As young people, what we want to sow now is hardship and struggle, even pain, and what we will reap in the future is success and happiness. Young friends, let's work together! (