The first two narratives: "Li Bai was about to leave by boat when he heard singing on the shore." Li Bai is going to leave by boat. Wang Lun came to see me off with a group of villagers. They walked arm in arm and sang. Considering "desire" and "sudden smell", he wrote the poet's surprise model. "Will and desire" is the time when the ship is ready to go; "Suddenly smell" means unexpected. Maybe Wang Lun gave a farewell dinner last night, which means something can't be delivered the next day. But now he has not only come, but also brought a group of villagers to see him off. Why not make the poet excited! What language is used to express it? The Peach Blossom Pond is nearby, so the poet has a handy hand to compare the depth of the Peach Blossom Pond with Wang Lun's affection for himself. "Peach Blossom Lake is deeper than thousands of feet, not as good as Wang Lun's love for me." Shen Deqian commented in Qing Dynasty: "It is a common saying that Wang Lun's love is better than thousands of feet's. The wonderful scene is just in a transition. " Indeed, the beauty of these two sentences is that the word "less than" connects two unrelated things. Taking thousands of feet Peach Blossom Pool as a reference, it is both vivid and intriguing to turn intangible friendship into tangible. The pool is "deep in thousands of feet", so how deep is Wang Lun's friendship?
Tang Ruxun in the Ming Dynasty said in the Interpretation of Tang Poems: "Lun, the ear of a village, how can it be near white?" It's time to make wine, and it's time to say goodbye to our ancestors. Our feelings are solid and extraordinary. It is too white, unreal and convenient, so it is eternal. "This comment is very appropriate.
This paper basically contains the general contents of the investigation of ancient poetry in the senior high school entrance examination. When preparing for the senior high school entrance examination, you can do review materials to help the Chinese exam poetry questions.