Li Shihao
As one of the three officials, it was written in 759 AD. After the Anshi Rebellion, the Tang Dynasty turned from prosperity to decline, and the country was not a country, and the people were in poverty. That year, the author traveled to Xin 'an, Shi Hao and other places, witnessed the official recruitment activities, and felt this. At this time, the author has reached middle age, and there is no ambition in the poem when he was young! The so-called three officials are officials from Xin 'an, Shi Hao and Tongguan. Shi Hao, now southeast of Sanmenxia City, Henan Province.
At dusk, officials arrested people at night. The old man climbed over the wall and left, while the old woman went out to watch. Why are officials angry? Why do women cry? After listening to his wife, he said, "Three men are guarding Yecheng. One man attached a book, and two men died. Those who drag out an ignoble existence are dead! There is no one in the room, only a baby and a grandson. And grandma didn't go, and there was no skirt in and out. Although an old woman is weak, please come back at night. I'm in a hurry to wait in the river, and I have to prepare breakfast. " The night is long and silent, like crying and choking. Dawn will rise into the future, leaving the old man alone.
Wedding farewell
Du Fu's "Three Farewells" in "Farewells to Newlyweds" has carefully shaped the image of a young woman who understands the great righteousness. This poem is in the form of a monologue. The whole poem uses seven words "Jun", all of which are heartfelt words from the bride to the groom. It is touching to read.
Tussah silk is attached to hemp, so it is not long. It is better to abandon the roadside than to marry a woman and ask for a husband. If you get married, you won't warm your bed. Goodbye in the morning of the wedding, nothing is too busy! Although your trip is not far, keep the border and go to Heyang. Why should I worship my aunt when my body is not clear? When my parents raised me, they made me hide day and night. If you have a daughter, you will get a chicken and a dog. You're going to die today, and you've been forced into your intestines with deep pain. Swear to go with you, the situation is yellow. Don't worry about the wedding, work hard! Women in the army are afraid of being soldiers. A girl from a poor family has been a prostitute for a long time. Lolo quit and washed his red makeup. Looking up at a hundred birds flying, your body will double. There are many personnel mistakes, facing Junyong!
After the lonely Tianbao, the garden is full of Artemisia ordosica. I live in 100 families, and everything is in a mess. There is no news of the survivors, and the dead are dust and mud. Because of the defeat, the bitch came back to find the old way. After a long walk, I saw an empty lane, and it was thin and miserable. But for Kitsune to tanuki, my hair stands on end. What are the neighbors? One or two widowed women. Love birds and branches, quiet and poor. Fang Chun hoes alone and irrigates at dusk. The county magistrate knew I was here and ordered me to learn drums and shovels. Although he worked in his own state, he took nothing with him. When you get close, you will get lost. There are swings everywhere in my hometown, and the distance is neat. Long-term pain and illness, any ditch flow for five years. I was born weak and sour about life. Life is homeless, why is it steaming!
Say goodbye to the old.
The empty countryside has never been peaceful in war. I am old, but there is no peace. Children and grandchildren died in battle, how can they be immune! Throw away the crutches and go out to fight. The same person in the same group shed tears for me. Fortunately, my teeth are good and my appetite is not diminished, and my sad body is as thin as firewood and withered. Armored and armored, the man had no choice but to say goodbye to the leader. I am sad to hear my wife sleeping on the road, and I still have thin pants and sheets in winter. Knowing that the last time we met, poor people and poor people didn't pity her. I can't go home yet, but I still listen to her urging me to do my best. The defense of Tumen is strong, and the natural barrier in Xingzhen is difficult to smuggle. The situation is no longer the battle of the city in those days, even at the time of death. Life has ups and downs, don't choose ups and downs! Thinking of the peaceful young people in the past, they can't help sighing for a long time. The army is generally recruiting troops, and the war has permeated Lu' an. The remains of a tree and a blade of grass, a blade of grass and a blade of grass, are all red on the beach. Why is hometown a paradise? Ann dares to linger! Resolutely abandon the hut and go to the front, the sky is really broken!