Round bowl
Schalen: Bowl (plural)
MIT: Yes.
Drachen- und Ph? Nixdek: Dragon and phoenix ornaments
Dragon: Dragon.
Andy: And then what?
Ph? Knicks: Phoenix.
Deco: Decoration
Aus Porzellan: made of porcelain;
Cai Wu': multicolor.
Caesar Lesh: Royal, official kiln.
Teller: plates
Gelbgrundige' pastel rose'-vase: a pastel pot with a yellow background.
Yellow, yellow.
Matrix: Matrix-based
Pastel: pastel
Vase: jar
Underglaze blue and white
Unter is down there. ...
Glazed glass
Transition-period: The transition period refers to the period from the late Qing Dynasty to the early Qing Dynasty, usually the Chongzhen and Shunzhi periods.
\' archaic \'-Form: flower shape.
Handrail vase:
Jar: A jar with a lid, such as a general's jar
Szeltner: Rare, rare.
Pudding: ⅵ blue glaze
Searle: Very, very.
gro? Einstein: Big one.
Schwarzgrundige: black is the main color.
Quadrilateral: quadrilateral
Kane: Marijuana.
Schriftzeichen: letters, Chinese.
Finn: OK.
pen container
Goff? Te Schale: Gao Zuwan
k? Nigsblauer: ⅵ blue.
Monochrome: Monochrome glazing
Mirror black: dark black.
Pflanzschalen: flowerpot
St? the left side
auf St? Nden: with base
Willowhurst? incense
Pomegranate: pomegranate
Sigmar Mark: Money Knowledge
Kale: gourd bottle
Dendrobium: Dendrobium,
Eisenroth: Alum red.
Vogel: Bird's.
Daijai: of Daijai
Stil: style
Underglaze red
Flecht: Grape-grained
Bulut: Flowers.
Plum bottle: Plum bottle
Round vase
Moon bottle
Group: group
De Corderson: Yin He (German, meaning lid+box)
h? Lfte: Half.
Zierschrift: calligraphy
Quadrilateral type
Wang Yeting: Wang Yeting.
Date, write down the date ...
Republic of China: Republic of China
Describe, describe
Platten: porcelain plate
Porzellanplatten: porcelain plate
Cavalry, ancient soldiers
Numbers: Numbers
Pilgerflasche vase: moon bottle
Deckerd? School: Yin He
Pictures, patterns
Hong xian: hong xian
Senna: Scenery,
Republic of China: Republic of China
Wang Yeting: Wang Yeting (name)
Reithzen: Portrait of Knife and Horse.
Shende Hall: Shende Hall
Landscape: landscape pattern
\' Pastel \': Pastel
Description, portrait
Plate: porcelain plate
Liu Xiren: Liu Xiren
Porzellanplatten: porcelain plate
Tablett: saucer
Wimbeck: Wine glasses.
Ellipse: ellipse
Gold: a golden bottom
Coral color: coral red
Hundert spielenden Knaben: a picture of an ancient philosopher (joking)
Spring outing map
Birthday girl
Spicy hand fishing
A woman, a beautiful woman
Seeufer[ part of speech] das coast, lake shore, coast
Death [part of speech]
Idols, gods, gods, sacred objects
Juren Tang Zhi: Juren Hall System
Musizierenden Knaben: Music pictures of babies playing
Musizierenden: playing music
Part of speech order
Local knaben boy boy. Boy. Kid. Hey. Son.
syntactical functions and morphological features that help to determine a part of speech
Konische Schalen: hat bowl
Part of speech order
Grape cup, plum cup
Poetry mode
Put on the bowl
Ordinary tank
Painted pottery jar
Wei Jinker Qi M
Riggs kessel M tripod
Neolithic Age
bronze work
Gourmet-Musk F Gourmet Mode
Gefaess aus weissem ton white pottery jar
Lacquerware lacks vitality.
Keramikgefaess mit Deckel pot with lid
Porzellanoefen m porcelain kiln
Keramikoefen m porcelain kiln
Weiss Polzelan N. Yao Xing
Kruger m Guo
Delineate the boundaries of flowers
Artificial network fine cracks on Krakelee n ceramics
Elf Bain Farbiger
Glaze color
under glazed
Die Dou-cai (Kampf der Farbe) bean color
Topfeier ceramic industry
Der Ofen Ruyao Ruyao
Carved lacquer board