A detailed explanation of sacrifice

Sacrifice; Sacrifice.

Biography of Wang Han Mang: "In February of five years, Empress Wen collapsed ... and built a temple in Chang 'an, where the new house offered sacrifices from generation to generation. "Song Lin Xutian's" Western Han Hui, Six Ritual Temples ":"In the fourth year of Emperor Pingdi Yuan, the hall of filial piety was the middle Sect, and the emperor sacrificed the rest of his life. "Naran Sing Tao" Lullaby on Huma River "II:" Autumn is coming, and grandma is going to sacrifice in the big forest of Bailingling. "

Jews usually slaughter cattle and sheep as "sacrifices" to atone for mankind.

There is no such thing as slaughtering sheep for sacrifice in Christianity. Before Christ came into the world, the Israelites had a ritual of offering sacrifices.

Moreover, in that era (from the biblical point of view, that is, the Old Testament era), not only sheep were sacrificed, but also cows, pigeons, turtledoves and so on.

Sheep are really the kindest animals, when they are slaughtered, just like you described. Do you know that Jesus is called the Lamb of God? Isaiah, the prophet in the Old Testament, predicted the crucifixion of Jesus, saying:

"He was oppressed, but he didn't speak when he was suffering. He was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and he was silent like a sheep under the shearers, so he didn't open his mouth. 」

The slaughter of a sheep has aroused people's sympathy, not to mention the reincarnation of Jesus, the holy and innocent son of God. Isn't it more respectable? If it is cruel to kill sheep and sacrifice, isn't it more cruel to crucify Jesus? Why did God allow such cruel things to happen? This is the redemption of Christianity.

Jesus, like a sheep, offered himself on the altar to atone for the world. People sacrifice to atone for their sins, but the value of sheep is much lower than that of people, so every time people commit a crime, they have to kill a sheep to atone for their sins. But Jesus is the only son of God, and his value is many times higher than that of man, let alone a sheep. Therefore, as long as Jesus dies once, he can atone for all the sins of the world. We don't have to kill sheep and sacrifice, as long as we accept the fact that "Jesus was crucified for my sins", our sins can be forgiven. So we often say, believe in Jesus and accept Jesus as your personal savior. That's what we mean. I hope you can take this step and solve the problem of your sin and eternal life.

The essence of sacrifice is to express the feelings of loyalty, gratitude, repentance and trust to God by sacrificing part or all of one's own interests. The more things you can give up, the greater your confidence. If you just talk, anyone can, but it is difficult to really give up income. In the Old Testament, Christians gave things. Personally, I think that means bribery. In the New Testament, Christians are required to give their whole life, life and everything about you to God, which is called "as a living sacrifice". This is the highest state.