Wang Yanan sleeps in a three-legged bed. When Wang Yanan was a child, he was ambitious and loved reading. When he was in middle school, in order to gain more time to study, he deliberately sawed off one foot of his wooden bed and turned it into a three-legged bed. I read until late at night every day. I went to bed when I was tired, and then I turned over in a daze. The bed leans in the direction of short feet. He woke up suddenly, got out of bed at once and read at night. Every day, without interruption. As a result, he achieved excellent results every year and was regarded as one of the three outstanding figures in his class. Because he studied hard as a teenager, he eventually became an outstanding economist in China.
Hou copied the book. Hou, the master of crosstalk language, only attended primary school for three years. Because he is diligent and studious, his artistic level has reached a perfect level and he has become a famous language expert. On one occasion, in order to buy the joke book "The Waves" of Amin Dynasty that he wanted to buy, he went to all the second-hand book stalls in Beijing but failed to buy it. Later, he learned that Beijing Library had this book and decided to copy it back. In winter, he braved the heavy wind and snow and ran to the library to copy books for 18 days in a row. A book of more than 100,000 words was finally copied by him.