"God said there should be light, so there was light." Please explain.

The source of this sentence is Genesis in the Old Testament, which originally said: At first, God created heaven and earth. The land is empty and chaotic. The deep side is dark. The spirit of god runs on the water. God said, let there be light, and there will be light. God saw that light was good, so he separated light from darkness.

The original God of the world created the universe. At that time, the earth was empty and desolate There are dark abyss everywhere. The spirit of God is like the wings of a big bird covering the water. God said let there be light, so there was light. Seeing that light is beneficial to the world, God separated light from darkness.

expanding materials

the religious value of the Bible

1. It provides important documents on the history of the Hebrew nation

In the Bible, historical materials account for a lot of space, and they record the origin and development of Judaism and Christianity. The history of the Hebrews includes: how God chose Abraham and his descendants, how Abraham's descendants were enslaved in Egypt, how Moses led them out of Egypt, how the Hebrew people established their country in Canaan, and how David and his family ascended the throne of Jerusalem.

How did Israel in the north destroy and how did Jews in the south return to Jerusalem from the prison to rebuild the temple and restore religious life. Christianity accepted the above history as the sacred history of their ancestors, and in the 1st and 2nd centuries A.D., the birth, preaching, suffering and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the development of the early church were added. Judaism and Christianity believe that these events happened under the direct arrangement of God.

2. Theological teachings

are provided, such as the existence and attributes of God, the origin of all things in human beings, the relationship between God and human beings, human life and death, this world and the afterlife, and the kingdom of heaven.

3. Providing ethical and moral norms

Jews and Christians regard the Bible as the primary source of moral norms, and believe that these norms come from God himself. For example, how should people treat each other? What attitude should we take towards those who have offended ourselves? Wait a minute.

4. It stipulates the organization and activities of the church

Many pages of the Bible relate to the organization and composition of local and higher-level religious groups, as well as the specific regulations on the worship of Judaism and Christians.

5. Put forward the concept of eschatology

"eschatology" occupies an important position in the Bible. The bible thinks that this world is only a preparatory stage before entering the end. In addition, in western society, the Bible is a sacred book with special symbolic significance, and even regarded as an "icon", which is used for the oath of court witnesses and the inauguration ceremony of those who hold important positions.

Some families pass down the "icon-like" Bible from generation to generation, which records the life and death of family members. Some people even regard the Bible as the legal Lord and amulet to ward off evil spirits. For example, soldiers go to the battlefield with small bibles in their possession for peace.

Extended source: Baidu Encyclopedia: Bible