A man sitting on the top of the mountain modern poetry

Sitting alone on the top of the mountain

The sky wind carries a clear sound in the distance

Looking forward to meet

The blurry The touching of human figures

Afraid of disturbing the concentration and time of pedestrians

The amusing play of the washerwoman

The sky wind carries the joyful pine needles

Move your eyes forward to blend with the everlasting green leaves

I am afraid of disturbing the atmosphere and rhythm of the forest

The carefreeness and freedom of the bird Entertaining oneself

The sky wind carries the smell of green grass

It lures my eyes to talk to the dancing leaves

Afraid of ruining the mood of Ye Zi and myself

Disturbing the feelings of Wu and Jing

Time belongs to the world in front of us'

The space seems to belong to oneself

The mountains and grass should also belong to me at this moment

An old farmer with a hoe slowly walked up the mountain

He smiled and blamed me for sitting down. of mountain grass