Psalm 125 how to do it according to the Lord's procedure?

Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which will never be shaken. Although Satan attacks Jerusalem again and again, God has promised that Jerusalem will continue to exist, as if Mount Zion will never waver. Mount Zion refers to Jerusalem. Muslims should read this passage! )

As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds his people from now on and forever. ("Mountain" refers to the political power of all countries in the world. The word "from now on" refers to the day when this prophecy comes true, that is, after the disaster in the next seven years, Christ will establish a thousand-year kingdom on earth and begin to take power as king. From that day on, the Lord will protect his people forever. )

125:3 The rod of the wicked does not necessarily fall on the righteous, lest the righteous stretch out his hand to do evil. (This verse should be translated as "The scepter of the lawless (2 Thessalonians 2:8, but 1 1:36) will not fall on the righteous". This "righteous man" refers to the Lord Jesus Christ and all his followers. This section means that during the seven-year disaster, the antichrist took control of the world in Jerusalem, Israel. The regime and evil deeds of this wicked man have nothing to do with the "righteous" and have no "righteous share". This section predicts the arrival of the antichrist empire (the seven-year disaster), when antichrist will control the nations and people all over the world and occupy Canaan, the beautiful land of God. )

O Lord, be kind to those who are kind and upright in heart. ("People with good heart and integrity" refers to "righteous people", referring to the Lord Jesus Christ and all those who follow him, including five clever virgins.

125:5 As for those who turn to crooked roads, the LORD will make them go out with the wicked to be punished. Peace is with Israel! ("detour" refers to those who can't enter the Millennium country (the kingdom of heaven), including five foolish girls.