What does Jiamei mean?

Jiamei means: a beautiful time when the table was full, with birthday cakes and delicious dishes

Jiamei in a sentence:

1. Joy in the Lord is so beautiful!

2. Environmental defenders, beautiful life.

3. Light is beautiful, and sight is also pleasing to the eye.

4. It’s a delicious and fruity appointment. Have you made an appointment today?

5. Light is beautiful, and seeing the sun is also pleasant.

6. The land measured to me with a rope is located in a beautiful place.

7. These thin ears swallowed up the seven beautiful ears.

8. His shadow covers the mountains, and his branches are like beautiful cedars.

9 Green flavor, excellent deliciousness, casual and fun, and delicious.

10. I will cut down its tall cedars and its beautiful pine trees.

11. As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news and bring good news.

12 I dreamed again of a wheat plant with seven ears, full and beautiful.

13. The mandrakes were fragrant, and there were all kinds of new things inside our door. Beautiful fruit.

14. In Indonesia, the gamelan band played music with gongs and xylophones.

15. What you planted in your garden produced pomegranates, beautiful fruits, and impatiens. With that tree.

16. After enjoying the wonderful scenery of Queenstown, fly home from Christchurch.

17. The land measured to me with a rope is located in a beautiful place. My inheritance is truly wonderful

18. Please allow me to go over and see the good land beyond the Jordan River, the wonderful mountains and Lebanon.

19. The beautiful trees are the cedars of Lebanon, which the Lord has planted, and they are full of sap.

20. A beautiful tree, the cedar of Lebanon, which the LORD planted, full of sap.

21. The beautiful trees, the cedars of Lebanon, which the LORD planted, were full of sap.