Appreciation of Wang Anshi's The People

Wang Anshi's political reform was strongly opposed by the opposition. They gave Wang Anshi all kinds of charges, and they would leave if they wanted to. In the face of the conservative siege, Wang Anshi showed a calm attitude and made a strong counterattack.

There is a sentence or two in the poem that the so-called "yes" and "no" of ordinary people are not the real criteria for evaluating right and wrong, and certainly not the real criteria for evaluating my right and wrong. Like three or four sentences. The cited examples are the most famous historical events and figures, so they are the most convincing. On the other hand, only the evaluation of saints is worthy of attention, because they will not reverse their importance. Seven or eight sentences return to reality and point out: fundamentally speaking, it is oneself that decides beauty and evil.

If Wang Anshi wants to carry out political reform, he must have a broad mind and firm confidence as a politician. Wang Anshi didn't argue with rumors, but insisted on doing it. Reading this poem, we can imagine Wang Anshi's unyielding personality, and also find the most suitable footnote for his famous saying "Words are not enough".

From the perspective of poetic art, this poem is not good. The whole article takes discussion as poetry and prose as poetry. It lacks both image and emotion, and it is tasteless to read. Although it showed the same characteristics as the Song Dynasty, it eventually fell behind in art.