You can talk about ice, which is limited by seasons; People who live in rural songs should not talk about Zhouyi, but start with education. Now that you have walked out of the river bank and looked at the sea, you will know your humble position and I can tell you the truth. There is no water bigger than the sea in the world. Thousands of rivers flow into it, but they don't know when to stop but never overflow; Discharge seawater from the tail, I don't know when to stop but never exhaust it; (Water quantity) will not change every year, and drought and flood have no effect on it. This is (its capacity far exceeds) the water flow of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, which cannot be calculated numerically, but I have never boasted about it. (1) I realized that heaven and earth endowed me with form and enjoyed the spirit of Yin and Yang. I am in heaven.
Between the earth, like a small stone on the mountain, there is no need to cry roast meat if you have the idea of too little knowledge. Calculate the four seas between heaven and earth, isn't it like an ant nest in a big cockroach? The Central Plains is within the four seas, isn't it like a grain of rice in a big granary? The number of appellations is called' ten thousand', and people are just one of all things; People all over Kyushu; Where food is born, where ships and cars are connected, there are people; This is more important than anything else, unlike grain growing, where individuals only occupy a place within reach of vehicles and boats; Compared with everything, isn't a person like a pony? This is the rule of five emperors, the struggle of three kings, the worry of benevolent people and the worry of wise people. Boyi resigned in order to gain fame, and Confucius showed his erudition by commenting on the world. They boast happily, don't they, just like you just boasted about water? "