Psalm 34: 1 (David pretended to be crazy in front of Abimelech and was driven out by him, so he wrote this poem. ) I will always praise the Lord; His praise will always be on my lips. 」
Psalm 34: 2 "My heart will boast in the Lord; Humble people will be glad to hear it. 」
Psalm 34: 3 "Call the Lord great with me, and exalt his name together. 」
When David faced Saul's pursuit for the first time, he forgot that his future was in God's hands, but looked for a way out according to man's plan. He first lied to the priest Ahimelech (2 1: 2), and then took Goliath's knife and fled to Gath, Goliath's hometown (2 1: 10), thinking that it would be safe to hide in the enemy's hands, only to escape from the jaws of the tiger and enter the wolf's den.
King Agi of Gath could kill him at any moment (Sam. 2 1: 1 1). In desperation, David had no choice but to pretend to be crazy and sell stupidity, and narrowly escaped. The history of this event is recorded in the chapter 2 1, but the spiritual scene behind it is recorded in this article and psalm 56.
"Abimelech" (1) may be the title of King of the Philistines (Gen. 22), referring to Aji, king of Gath. This is an alphabet poem (the ninth, tenth, 25th, 34th, 37th, 111th, 112th, 119th and 145th), and it is also a testimony of David's gratitude.
David left Gath of the Philistines and "fled to Adullam Cave" (Sam. 22: 1), and returned to Saul's sphere of influence. The environment is still dangerous and difficult, but his spirit is relaxed and happy (section 1-3). David went from one failure to another by his own strategy, but in despair, he no longer relied on himself, but fell down before God and became a "humble man" (v. 2).
This made him learn not to rely on himself in everything, but to look to God, because if King Gath was determined to kill him and avenge Goliath, it would be useless for him to pretend to be crazy again, so he praised him from the heart: "My heart will boast in the Lord" (v. 2)!
"Time" (section 1) originally meant "all the time". All David's experiences have always proved to him that no matter how desperate people are, they are still in God's hands (3 1 15). Therefore, we should "give thanks in everything" (1 Thessalonians 5: 18).
1-2 is the reason why David praised God, and he also invited us to "exalt his name together" (v. 3). Because what David went through, we can go through it.
Psalm 34: 4 I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. 」
Psalm 34: 5 "Everyone who looks to him has glory; Their faces will not be shamed. 」
Verses 4-5 are David's own experience, and he invited us to "look up to him" together. Because what David went through, we can go through it.
Blessed are those who "seek" God in trouble, and wiser are those who "look to" God in prosperity. The more we look up to God, the less we can see ourselves and the wind and waves around us, the more we can walk on the water of life safely and carefree (too 14: 29-3 1), and the more we can show the glory of the Lord on our faces.
Psalm 34: 6 "I, the poor man, cried, and the Lord answered me and delivered me from all my troubles." 」
Psalm 34: 7 "The angel of the Lord encamped around those who feared him and delivered them. 」
Psalm 34: 8 "Taste the grace of the Lord and know that he is good;": Blessed are those who take refuge in him! 」
Psalm 34: 9 "Fear the Lord, all you saints, for those who fear him lack nothing. 」
Psalm 34 10 "The young lions are hungry and hungry, but they don't want anything. They pray for the blessing of the Lord. 」
"The poor cry and the Lord listens" (v. 6). But is our prayer an urgent and trusting cry of the "poor" (v. 6) or a lazy monologue?
In people's eyes, David escaped by pretending to be crazy and selling stupidity, but David knew in his heart that God sent angels to "camp around and save" (v. 7).
Today's believers not only have angels around to serve us, but also the Holy Spirit as our protector: "Angels are not all serving spirits, are they sent to serve those who will receive salvation?" (Come 1: 14), "Besides, our weakness is helped by the Holy Spirit" (Luo. 8: 26).
"Taste the grace of the Lord" (v. 8) means "taste", that is, taste the Lord himself and experience God himself. David has experienced God's salvation. Although he is still in trouble, he can still happily invite "You should taste the grace of the Lord".
Only when we have personally experienced God and the sweetness of the Lord's grace can we use our life experience to attract others to "taste the taste of the Lord's grace". God's word should be not only heard and thought, but also tasted. Heb. 6: 5 and Peter. Section 8 is quoted in both 2: 3.
After David left Gath, he "fled to Adullam Cave" (sa Shang 1. 22: 1). Although there is something missing outside, there is nothing missing inside (section 9). Because he experienced God's salvation in Gath, he knew God better and knew that God must look after his anointed according to his faithfulness.
"Your heavenly father knows all your needs" (Matt. 6: 32), "My God will satisfy all your needs in Christ Jesus according to his glorious riches" (Phil. 4: 19).
Psalm 34 1 1 "Students, listen to me! I will teach you to fear God. 」
Psalm 34 12 "Who likes to live, love to live long and enjoy happiness?"
Psalm 34 13 "Keep your tongue from evil words and your lips from deceit. 」
Psalm 34 14 "Depart from evil deeds and do good, seek harmony and pursue it wholeheartedly. 」
When David was hiding in Adullan Cave, "all the people who were embarrassed, in debt and in distress gathered at David" (Sam 1. 22: 2) It is precisely because David's madness in Gath is not strong and glorious at all, so when he really witnessed what God did to himself, he greatly comforted and created those who were also trapped in hardship and weakness.
We all know that it is necessary to "forbid your tongue to speak evil words and your lips to speak deceitful words" (section 13), and we also know that it is necessary to "leave evil deeds and do good deeds for harmony" (section 14), but once we encounter difficulties, we are always "in the Jianghu, involuntarily", knowing that it is wrong, but we have to do it.
Only after David passed through Gath can he really learn a lesson before God: If a person "likes life, loves longevity and enjoys happiness" (section 12), he must do what God wants to do to the letter.
In people's eyes, David will die if he doesn't lie or pretend to be crazy, but David has experienced it. He knows it's futile to lie to the priest or pretend to be crazy and cheat Archie, if God's kind hand is not there.
Today, God also lets us experience the "Gath" in our own lives, and truly learn that "the wise should not boast of their wisdom, the brave should not boast of their courage, and the rich should not boast of their wealth" (Jer. 9: 23). We should not only be sober believers, but also be able disciples.
Psalm 34 15 "the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous; His ears listened to their cries. 」
Psalm 34 16 "The face of the Lord is turned against evildoers to destroy their names from the earth. 」
Psalm 34: 17 "The Lord heard the cry of the righteous and delivered them from all their troubles. 」
Psalm 34 18 "The Lord is near to the broken-hearted and saves the spiritually contrite. 」
David repented in his spirit in Gath (v. 18), and he stopped going his own way, so God saved him according to his faithfulness. It is not terrible for people to go the wrong way, but it is terrible to go to the end on the wrong road.
Sections 15- 18 are all witnesses of David's personal experience, not empty spiritual slogans. When we truly experience God in the spirit, we can truly witness God, and the gospel we preach can enter the human spirit.
Psalm 34 19 "The righteous man has many sufferings, but the Lord delivers him from them."
The psalm kept all his bones, not one of them was broken. 」
Since the world is against God, God's children are bound to "suffer a lot" in the world (section 19). God did not promise us not to suffer, but promised to save us from all this (v. 19). As the Lord Jesus said to his disciples, "in this world, you have suffering;" But you can rest assured that I have conquered the world "(about 16: 33).
When the Lord Jesus was crucified, verse 20 was fulfilled (John19: 36; Exodus 12: 46)
Psalm 34 2 1 "Evil will kill the wicked; Those who hate justice will be condemned. 」
Psalm 34: 22 "The Lord redeems the souls of his servants, and whoever takes refuge in him will not be condemned. 」
Just like God's natural law in the universe, "evil will kill the wicked" (2 1 section) is a spiritual law that God puts in people's hearts. Those who violate the laws of nature are bound to be punished by nature; Violating spiritual laws is bound to be rewarded by God.
Everyone has done a lot of "evil" in his life (verse 2 1), which has made our life a mess. But God has mercy on us and is willing to point out a way out for people who were created in his image. "Take refuge in him" and accept the redemption of the precious blood of God's son, so that we will not be condemned before God (v. 22), and we will return to the situation where God first created man.