Kong Rong, a native of Shandong, is the grandson of Confucius XX. Qizu was the master of the Yuan Dynasty, and he was an assistant. Father Zhou, a captain of Mount Tai. Young people with different talents. At the age of ten, he was reunited with his father in the capital. At that time, the Yin people in Henan were proud of simplicity and did not waste their customers. He is not a contemporary celebrity, but has ties with his family.
I wanted to see people, so I built a fake door. The speaker said, "I am Li's child." The door is already open. Ying asked for forgiveness and asked, "Have Grandpa Gaoming and his servants ever tasted kindness?" Rong said, "Of course. Confucius, the first king, is more righteous than Li Laojun, the ancestor of the first king. On the one hand, he is a teacher and a friend, and on the other hand, he is integrated with you from generation to generation. " Everyone sat and sighed. Alice Chan, the doctor of Taizong, arrived later and sat down to tell Hui.
Wei said, "It is not surprising that your wife is young and knowledgeable." Rong replied, "See if what you said will be better?" Pretend to laugh and say, "A wise man must have a great instrument."
Thirteen years, he lost his father, mourned for his destruction, helped him, and returned to filial piety in the state. If you are eager to learn, you should read more books. Death is worthy of praise, but not worth meeting. At the age of 26, it's not time to talk. Seeing his embarrassment, he said, "Although my brother is not here, can't I be the king alone?" Stay and give up. After the funeral, under the state, keep secrets, be frugal, receive praise and be sent to prison.
They don't know where to sit. Rong said, "Those who keep safe and hide should sit down." Praise: "He came to beg me, not my brother's fault. Please accept his sin." When the official asked his mother, she said, "I should be the head of the family." Fight to the death, the county can't decide, but it is a slap in the face. The imperial edict is actually praising. The name of Rongyu is called by Pingyuan Tao and Chen.
At this time, the Yellow Scarf Army invaded again, broke away from the chariot fighting field and was surrounded by the thief Guan Hai. In desperation, he sent Donglai Taishi Ci to the plain to ask Liu Bei for help. King Bei Jing said, "Does Kong Beihai know that Liu Bei is evil?" That is, he sent his troops to save him, and the thief dispersed. At that time, Yuan and Cao were prosperous, but they had nothing to depend on. Zuo Chengzu said that he was interested in seeking and advised him to settle down.
At that time, the war was chaotic, and it was forbidden to make wine table by table. There were frequent book disputes, which was humiliating to the country. Seeing that Cao Xiong's deception is getting worse and worse, the number of people can't be compared, so he is partial and obedient. I have also tried to play the ancient Qi King system thousands of miles away, instead of being a feudal vassal. If you doubt that what you say is getting wider and wider, you will benefit from it. However, the world name is important, the foreign minister tolerates it, while the hidden grievances are discussed, and the great cause is considered.
Because Cao Cao was guilty of jealousy, so was Lv Chi. He ordered the Prime Minister's army to find a way to sacrifice wine. The book is played, and the city is ruined. At the age of 56. Both the wife and the son were punished.
At first, the woman was seven years old and the man was nine years old. She gave up because she was too young and weak. The second son plays chess, but he can't move. Left and right said, "Why can't my father afford it?" Answer: "Ann's nest was destroyed, but her eggs were not broken!" " The host has gravy, and men drink it when they are thirsty. The woman said, "Today's disaster can't last long. Why do you need to know the taste of meat? " Brother stopped crying.
Or talk to Cao Cao and kill him. He took it and said to his younger brother, "If the deceased knew, wouldn't it be a wish to see his parents!" Stretching your neck is a punishment, and the color remains the same, so it hurts.
Kong Rong, a native of Lu, is the grandson of the 20th Confucius. Kong Ba, the seventh ancestor, was the teacher of the Han and Yuan emperors and served as an official. Father Kong Zhou, a captain of Mount Tai. Kong Rong had a special gift when he was a child. When I was ten, I went to the capital with my father. At that time, Yin, Henan Province, was modest and rigorous, and did not meet literati casually. Those who tell the door are not allowed to tell anyone who is not a contemporary celebrity or a family with friends for generations.
Kong Rong wants to see what kind of person Mars is. He deliberately knocked on the door of the house and said to the doorman, "I am the son of the Li family." The gatekeeper told Mars that Mars invited Kong Rong to meet him. Q: "Did Grandpa Gaoming have a friendship with me?" Kong Rong said, "Yes. Ancestor Confucius is synonymous with your ancestor Li Laojun, and it is also a teacher-friend relationship.
Then, I, Kong Rong, will be your friend from generation to generation. "Sit, all admire. Cure too much Alice Chan then arrived, and the people sitting there told Alice Chan about it. Alice Chan said, "Oh, people are smart when they are young, but they may be useless when they grow up. Kong Rong went on to say, "According to you, were you smart when you were young?" Mars said with a smile, "You will definitely make great achievements in the future. "
When Kong Rong was thirteen, his father died. He was very sad and needed help to stand up. The state praised him for his filial piety. By nature, I am eager to learn and read widely. James Zhang in Yang Shan was hated by Hou Lan, an old courtier in China. Hou Lan concealed the name of the accuser, sent the letter to the county and arrested James Zhang. James Zhang and Kong Rong's younger brother Kong Bao were friends and fled to Kong Bao's house, but Kong Bao was not there.
At this point, Kong Rong was sixteen. James Zhang thought Kong Rong was young and didn't tell him. Kong Rong saw James Zhang's embarrassment and said to James Zhang, "Although my brother hasn't come home yet, can't I be your master?" So I left James Zhang to live in his house. Later, things leaked out and were secretly captured under the national conditions, and James Zhang was able to escape. So Kong Bao and Kong Rong were arrested and imprisoned.
I don't know which of them has been convicted. Kong Rong said, "I sheltered James Zhang, and it was my fault." Confucius said, "It's not my brother's fault that James Zhang came to see me. This is my fault. I am willing. " Officials asked their mother, who said, "I am in charge of the housework of the elders." "
When Kong Rong arrived in the county, he summoned the sergeants, opposed him and Wujiang, wrote a campaign and a book, communicated with the states and counties, and made plans. Thief Zhang Rao and other two hundred people returned from Jizhou, and Kong Rong met them and was defeated by Zhang Rao. So he collected skirmishers to defend many counties. Slowly gathered more than 40,000 men and women who were mistaken by the Yellow Scarf, and then set up a city, set up a school, praised Confucianism, and recommended virtuous Zheng Xuan, Peng Zhe, Li Yuan and others.
Zhen Ziran, a native of the county, was famous for his filial piety and died young. Kong Rong regretted not seeing him. Gourmet life country club. Although the rest is only a little kind, there is no one who is not polite. There are no descendants in the county, and the people who died in all directions are buried in coffins. At this time, the yellow turban insurrectionary rose again. Kong Rong went out of Duchang and was surrounded by the thief Guan Hai.
In Xian Di, with Xuchang as its capital, Kong Rong was recruited as a master and promoted to a lower level. Every time the emperor goes to court, Kong Rong is often actively discussed by the leaders, and doctors or officials just hang their names. When Ma Ri was promoted to a teacher, he worked in Shandong and Huainan, but he was dissatisfied with Yuan Shu many times. Yuan Shu looked down on him, insulted him and took his Jeff. Mareshdan was so anxious that he vomited blood and died.
At that time, there was famine and war, and Cao Cao asked for prohibition of alcohol. Kong Rong wrote to Cao Cao many times, arguing that alcohol should not be banned, and his words were insulting. I've seen Cao Cao's treachery, and it's gradually revealed. I can't stand it, so I'm extremely mean and often offend Cao Cao. Once again, it occurred to me that we should follow the system of the ancient capital and not be feudal princes in Fiona Fang.
Cao Cao thinks he is talking more and more widely, and he is even more afraid of him. But because Kong Rong is famous all over the world, he pretends to be tolerant, but secretly he is jealous of his correct remarks, for fear of hindering his great cause. Cao Cao was full of suspicion, and Lv Chi framed his crime, so he ordered the Prime Minister's army to offer a drink offering and wronged Kong Rong. Book play, sentenced to abandon the city. At the age of 56. His wife and children were punished.
First, the daughter is seven years old and the boy is nine years old. Because they are all young and weak, they have to be preserved. Send it to someone else. Two sons are playing chess, and Kong Rong is caught and indifferent. People around me said, "My father was arrested. Excuse me, why? " A: "Where is the nest for killing eggs?" The host left gravy, and the boy was thirsty.
The girl said, "How long can such a disaster last today? Do we still need to know the taste of meat?" I cried and stopped drinking. Someone told Cao Cao and decided to kill them all. When the captor arrived, the woman said to her brother, "If the deceased knew, it would be our greatest wish to see his parents!" So the neck is punished and the color remains the same. No one is not sad about it.
Brief introduction of the later Han dynasty:
The Book of the Later Han Dynasty is a biographical history book that records the history of the Eastern Han Dynasty. It was compiled by Ye Fan, a historian in the Southern Dynasties and the Song Dynasty. It is also called "the first four histories" with Historical Records, Hanshu and The History of the Three Kingdoms.
The Book of the Later Han Dynasty is divided into ten chapters, eighty biographies and eight records (from Sima Biao's Continued Han). The book mainly describes the historical events from the first year of Jianwu (25 years) of Guangwu Emperor in the Eastern Han Dynasty to the 25th year of Jian 'an Emperor in the Han Dynasty (220 years), *** 195.
The History of the Later Han Dynasty mostly followed the ready-made styles of Historical Records and History of the Han Dynasty, but in the process of writing, Ye Fan made some innovations and changes according to the specific characteristics of the history of the Eastern Han Dynasty. The books of the later Han Dynasty are well-structured and orderly arranged. For example, biographies of eighty biographies are generally arranged in chronological order. The first three volumes are the man of the Han Dynasty. The next nine volumes are emperors, generals and important generals in Guangwu era.
The progressiveness of the Book of the Later Han Dynasty is also reflected in the courage to expose dark politics, sympathize with and praise justice. On the one hand, it exposed the power of the fisherman, on the other hand, it praised the middle and lower classes who were strong and upright and not afraid of rape. For example, in Biography of Wang Chong and Wang Fu in Zhong Changtong, Ye Fan included eight articles attacking current politics in detail.
Secondly, Seven biographies have been added to the Book of the Later Han Dynasty: Biography of Party Insanity, Biography of Officials, Biography of Wen Yuan, Biography of Dugu, Biography of Magic, Biography of Yimin and Biography of Lienv. Ye Fan was the first historian to write biographies for women in biographical history books. What is particularly commendable is that the seventeen outstanding women collected in Biography of Lienv are not all chaste daughters, and there are also talented women Cai Yan who do not meet the ethical standards.
The Book of the Later Han Dynasty has its own characteristics. In terms of style, it is improved compared with Historical Records and Hanshu. As far as chronology is concerned, it is different from Chronology of the First Emperor in Hanshu. Instead, it quoted the precedent of Hu Hai II and Zi Ying, the king of Qin, and attached Shang Emperor (Liu Long, Shang Emperor) and Shun Di Ji (Liu Bao, Shun Di) to the chronicle of He Emperor (He Emperor).
In addition to innovation in style, The Book of the Later Han Dynasty is most remarkable for its clear-cut views and good opinions. For example, he does not write biographies for those idle bureaucrats, but writes lonely biographies for many "humble husbands", which fully shows his clear attitude of love and hate; The Story of Party Madness positively praised the integrity of James Zhang, Fan Pang and Mars.
In Yang Zhenchuan, Yang Zhen and his descendants' honest family style was praised in many places. Biographies of Officials praised Cai Lun and others for being loyal to the royal family, while for Hou Lan and others, they said that they were "a domestic evil and a national harm". In particular, the "theory" and "praise" in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty have great advantages in judging right and wrong, praising integrity, denouncing evil and laughing at fatuity with sharp pens.
Extended data:
Kong Rong's main achievements:
1. According to the Records of the Later Han Dynasty, there are 25 kinds of poems, poems, inscriptions, comments, six words, essays, forms, fatwas and secretaries in Kong Rong. ? However, this limited legacy was lost in later generations, and most of it was only fragments, of which only eight poems were left.
2. Kong Rong's articles are mainly about discussion, and the content is generally about spreading enlightenment, promoting benevolent government, recommending talents, commenting on people, and expressing his views on current politics, showing sharp edges and distinctive personality. In art, the finishing words are elegant and rich, citing the past and discussing the present, with exquisite metaphors and abundant momentum. The existing works are only prose and poetry, and Kong Rong's prose is characterized by sharp and humorous writing.
3. On the whole, his prose pays attention to the beauty of rhetoric and the symmetry of words, which is different from other writers of the same period. At the same time, people also pointed out that his articles "exquisite writing style" and "straightforward writing style, vivid with qi" ("Lectures on the History of Liu Medieval Literature") reflected the literary creation in the Jian 'an period. Compared with prose, Kong Rong's poetry is inferior.
Achievements of the Book of the Later Han Dynasty;
1. Regarding the ideological value of the Book of the Later Han Dynasty, Wang Mingsheng, an official of the Qing Dynasty, commented: "Fan Shugui was benevolent and moral, restrained snobbery, and entered Chu Shi as a traitor. On Confucianism, he was deeply beautiful and successful (Zheng Xuan). While praising Party spirit, he also praised Li (false) and Du (secret). The prime minister didn't talk much, but he showed goodwill to the people, and the officials didn't see him. (Wang Mingsheng on the Seventeenth History) It should be said that this evaluation is quite pertinent.
2. Propagandizing orthodoxy should also be the basic content of the Book of the Later Han Dynasty. The Book of the Later Han Dynasty has an orthodox Confucian standard for the praise and criticism of most characters: loyal ministers who are conducive to social stability, the national economy and the people's livelihood praise and praise them beautifully; On the contrary, it is derogatory.
3. The Book of the Later Han Dynasty praised a large number of people who worked hard and loved the people. For example, when the Biography of Officials recorded Savi, he praised his people for "caring about civil affairs, being an official at home, and being incompatible with administration and things"; When Wang was told, he listed his achievements, repaired canals and controlled water, taught people to raise silkworms and weave, and praised his diligence and love for the people. Write Wang Huan, write his Confucianism, read history books, read laws and regulations, be honest and be good at judging cases.
4. To sum up, it can be seen that the Book of the Later Han Dynasty affirmed the royal order, praised the virtuous and loyal, and whipped the wicked, which basically embodied the Confucian orthodoxy. In fact, this is one of the fundamental reasons why it was designated as "official history".
Baidu Encyclopedia-Later Han Book
Baidu Encyclopedia-Kong Rong