Wang Xizhi of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was good at calligraphy at the age of seven. When he was twelve years old, he saw his father's pen words hidden under his pillow, so he stole a look. Father said, "Where did you steal my precious book?"
Wang Xizhi smiled and didn't answer. Mother said, "I want to see your brushwork." Seeing that he was still young, his father said to Wang Xizhi, "I'll teach you when you grow up."
Wang Xizhi knelt down and begged, "If you don't wait until I am an adult to teach me, I'm afraid it will hinder my talent." Father was very happy and handed him the book. In less than a month, Wang Xizhi's calligraphy has made great progress.
2. Story 2
Wang Xizhi used to practice calligraphy by the pond. Every time he finishes writing, he washes his pen and inkstone in the pond. After a long time, the water in the whole pond turned black. It can be seen that he has made great efforts in practicing calligraphy.
3. Story 3
It is said that Wang Xizhi loves geese very much and often watches them swim around in the river in a daze. Later, he realized the principle of brush strokes from the movements of geese, which was of great help to his calligraphy skills.
4. Story 4
Once, Wang Xizhi went to a Taoist temple to play, and when he saw a group of geese were lovely, he asked the Taoist priest to sell them to him. The Taoist priest in Guanli admired his calligraphy for a long time and asked him to write a copy of Huang Tingjing in exchange.
Wang Xizhi liked those geese very much and agreed. So Wang Xizhi wrote a poem "Huang Ting Jing" for Guan Li, and the Taoist gave him all those geese.
5. Story 5
Legend has it that the emperor at that time went to the northern suburbs to offer sacrifices and asked Wang Xizhi to write his congratulatory message on a board, and then sent workers to carve it. The sculptor cut the board layer by layer and found that Wang Xizhi's calligraphy ink had been printed into the board.
He didn't reach the bottom until he cut into a depth of three points. Woodworkers are amazed at Wang Xizhi's pen power, perfect calligraphy skills and his pen power. Cut to the chase is derived from this story.