Thomas. Who is More?

Thomas More (St. Thomas More, also known as Sir Thomas More, February 7, 1478 - July 6, 1535) was a British utopian socialist. The saint was also the author of "Utopia" The author of the book.

Moore was born in a legal family in London in 1478. He graduated from Oxford University and served as a lawyer, member of Parliament, deputy finance minister, speaker of the House of Commons, and justice. He was executed in 1535 for opposing Henry VIII's concurrent appointment as head of the church (More advocated the supremacy of papal power). In 1935, four hundred years after his death, he was canonized as a saint by Pope Pius XI of the Roman Catholic Church. In 1980, he was honored as a patron martyr of God by John Paul II together with Bishop Fisher. July 6, the day of his martyrdom, will be remembered by all Catholics. Ranked 37th among the 100 greatest celebrities in British history.

Utopia is mankind’s longing for a better society.

Utopia is the most beautiful society in human ideology, just like the early "utopian socialism" in the West. The utopian socialist society proposed by a Western scholar: beautiful, everyone is equal, there is no oppression, and it is like a paradise. Utopian love is also extremely beautiful.

Utopianism is a type of social theory that attempts to promote certain desirable values ??and practices by presenting these values ??and practices in an ideal country or society. Generally speaking, Utopian authors do not believe that such a state is possible, at least not in the form in which it is so perfectly described. But they were not engaging in a merely imaginary or chimerical project, as the popular use of the term utopianism suggests. As shown in Plato's Republic (the first true utopia), the purpose is usually to construct an ideal society based on a certain concept (justice or freedom) by enlarging it. group form to demonstrate some fundamental properties of the concept. In some other cases, such as Sir Thomas More's Utopia (1516), the goal is mainly criticism and satire: to subtly contrast the good people in Utopia with the evils of the author's society at that time, And use it to condemn the latter. Only a handful of utopian authors—Edward Bellamy's Looking Backward (1888) is a good example—attempt to transform society according to the blueprint carefully laid out in their utopias. By its very nature, the function of Utopia is to inspire.