Enlightenment of Goose to Wang Xizhi: Wang Xizhi often carefully observed the posture of Goose swimming in the water, and gradually realized the method of using a pen, that is, "be good at using a pen with your heart", concentrate, be upright and write freely. The enlightenment of Wang Xizhi's love for geese gives us: learning Chinese characters should be the same, and we should be good at observing and thinking.
One day, Wang Xizhi went out to visit friends by boat and suddenly saw a group of white geese swimming in the clear water ahead. They are so full of energy and beauty. Wang Xizhi stared at the various postures of the white goose and the scene of swimming. He was fascinated by this scene for some time and refused to leave for a long time. So he asked the ferryman who owned the goose.
The ferryman said, "The owner of these white geese is a Taoist. If you like white geese, why not buy them? " Wang Xizhi listened to the ferryman's words and then found the Taoist's home. The Taoist priest knew that Wang Xizhi was a famous calligrapher and knew Wang Xizhi's intention. He was secretly happy, but he said quietly, "I don't want to sell this goose. If you want it, please copy the Tao Te Ching for it. Wang Xizhi readily agreed.
After returning to China, Wang Xizhi immediately started writing, and a few days later, he wrote a book called The Tao Te Ching. Wang Xizhi exchanged the world-famous Tao Te Ching for a flock of white geese of Taoist priests in Yin Shan. Later, Li Bai, a great poet in the Tang Dynasty, wrote a poem to describe this interesting thing! "If a Taoist in Yin Shan meets a white goose, he should write' Huang Ting'." (Huang Ting means Tao Te Ching).