Catalogue of Whitman's Selected Poems

Title poem

Yan mingji

I sing to myself.

On a ship with a cabin


Start my research

I hear America singing.

Let's start with bamenock.

My own song

Descendants of Adam

From the repressed river of pain

I sing charged body.

A woman is waiting for me.

An hour of fanaticism and joy

From the rolling crowd

We have been fooled for so long.

Hymen! People with hymens!

Innocent moment

Once I passed a city with a large population.

Reed flute collection

Between lonely paths

Vanilla on my chest

Not just from my chest.

Just roots and leaves

Drop by drop!

I saw a live oak tree in Louisiana.

What do you want me to record with a pen?

Among many people,

Pay tribute to the world!

Cross the Brooklyn ferry

Song of axe

Migratory bird collection

Vanguard! Ah, pioneers!

give you

Me and everything.

Current set

From the cradle of eternal swing

When I ebb with the sea of life


Sing for all the oceans and ships.

Flat bone chicken

Knock on the door. Knock on the door. Drums!

Times, rising from your unfathomable ocean.

Father, get up from the battlefield.

One night, I strangely guarded the battlefield.

Give me a bright and peaceful sun.

Say goodbye to a soldier

President Lincoln Memorial Collection

When lilacs bloom in the garden

Ah, captain, my captain!

Autumn stream

This seems to be the result of too much rain in summer.

There is a child who is moving forward every day.

City mortuary

From behind the mask (facing the portrait)

To an ordinary prostitute

Release from the fence

What am I?
