1: A gentleman is like jade: From "Guo Feng Qin Xiao Feng Rong", there is a saying that "a gentleman is as gentle as jade. Explain that a clean and honest life requires high etiquette for making friends, and treats people like a good family.
2. A gentleman is like a orchid. People usually call pure friendship "Lan Yi". As a scholar, you should be as lonely, self-respecting and self-loving as an orchid, and transcend the world of mortals. It is often said that a gentleman is as elegant as a orchid. The ancient poet Qu Yuan once regarded Lan as the object of admiration in Li Sao, which showed his sentiment and etiquette of keeping an honest and clean life. , expressed his intention of not going with the flow and pleasing to the heart. Shows an enlightened gentleman. "Lansheng Valley, no one is fragrant" is in line with the gentleman's quiet and far-reaching, lonely and lofty, not vulgar.
[Angelica dahurica] is a perennial herb. The floorboard of rulers and aristocratic men. In ancient times, it refers to people with high status.