Kneel for a love poem (written by myself)

my love

Poetry/Sun Dajun

A woman,

A woman who nobody loves,

A romantic woman,

A woman with a strange temper,

An unconventional woman,

She has her own ideas,

She insisted on her own way,

She's a loner,

She has her own lifestyle,

She's not working,

She can support herself,

She is a half-silly girl,

Some silly girls spend money on her,

She wants to be single for a long time,

Live a free life,

She wants a husband,

Want to have a baby,

It's just her idea,

Just to compare with others,

She is afraid of having a husband and children,

She is afraid of getting married,

She is afraid of pain,

Yeah, she shouldn't get married,

She got what she deserved,

She's still online dating,

What kind of online dating,

Known as soul mates,

I can be your partner.

She can still leave others alone,

She still clings to people,

She also wants men to love her more,

She has her romantic feelings,

What a good time,

Actually, I stay in bed for a while from time to time,

Just to be interesting,

In order to be closer to everyone,

My love,

You are too low-level