Looking for rhyme, do you want to restore vowels?

Rhyme, also known as rhyme, refers to the use of words with the same or similar vowels or even the same tone in the last word of some sentences, thus creating a sonorous sense of harmony when reading or singing. These places where the same vowel is used are called rhymes.

Vowel refers to China's Chinese phonology term, which is the part of Chinese phonology except initials and tones. Formerly known as rhyme Vowels consist of three parts: the beginning (middle tone), the belly (main vowel) and the end. According to vowel structure, it can be divided into single vowel, compound vowel and nasal vowel.

The parts of Chinese pronunciation except initials and tones. Formerly known as rhyme Vowels can be divided into three parts: the beginning (middle tone), the abdomen (main vowel) and the end. For example, the vowel of "Niang" niáng is iang, where I is rhyme, A is rhyme and NG is rhyme. Every vowel must have a rhyme belly, and the beginning and end of the rhyme are dispensable. For example, the vowel of "da" à is a, a is a rhyme belly, and there is no rhyme head and no rhyme end; The vowel of "gua" guā is ua, where U is rhyme and A is rhyme, and there is no rhyme. The vowel of "Dao" dāo is ao, where A is the rhyme belly and O is the rhyme ending, and there is no rhyme.

Mandarin has 39 vowels.