Christian Christmas Prayer

Christmas prayers are as follows:

Lord Jesus, when God the Father laid the foundation of the earth, you were already with him.

You are an honorable man and the king of kings. But he took the image of a baby for us and became a slave.

Lord Jesus, Christmas is coming.

When the socks hanging in front of the child's bed are full of gifts; When mature people take stock of the grace and good deeds of the past year; When the old man counts the harvest of life and looks forward to the beginning of a new year.

Lord, you emptied everything for us and became a scapegoat, lying in an abandoned manger.

Lord Jesus, you have emptied your pockets for us and humbled yourself.

So far, I have often let you live a neglected life in snowy Christmas, haven't I?

I let the Christmas candles flash, but I forgot the pain of the blind.

I let the Christmas bell ring, but I no longer think of your entrustment.

Lord, when I was surprised at Christmas.

I just hope you can turn my heart when the city is full of drunken fans.

Let it be an abandoned manger, so that I can empty everything, just to meet that one, the simplest need of hikers, a piece of bread for the hungry.

Waiting in the cold Christmas Eve, praying in the name of Jesus.


Western traditional festivals

Christianity is an important festival to commemorate the birth of Jesus, also known as Christmas, the birthday of Jesus, and Catholicism is also known as Christmas. The date of birth of Jesus is not recorded in the Bible. In 336 AD, the Roman Church began to celebrate this festival on February 25th, 65438, which was originally the birthday of the sun god stipulated by the Roman Empire. Some people think that this day is chosen to celebrate Christmas because Christians believe that Jesus is the just and eternal sun.

After the middle of the 5th century, Christmas, as an important festival, became a tradition of the church and gradually spread among the eastern and western churches. Due to the different calendars used, the specific dates and forms of activities held by various sects are also different. Christmas customs mainly spread to Asia in the middle of19th century, and both Japan and South Korea were influenced by Christmas culture.